Sunday, August 16, 2009



First, don't be so hard on yourself. I understand 110% that you need a break. It is very strenuous, stressful, and difficult to be the sole provider for a child. It only makes it worse that you are the sole provider when you know that you should have a partner in it all.

I have done the same thing with Caleb. I will just walk away and let him cry because I get frustrated. Especially when he wants up then down and he cries when you put him down and I get to the point where I don't know what to do with him anymore. We all get to that point sometime or another.

You know, I have done the same thing with trying to get everything done and not making sure that Caleb or any of the kids are taken care of first. We have so much to do as moms that we just sometimes want to get something completely finished for one time in our lives. You need to be complimented that you can get Gab down! Heck, Caleb runs around and decides when he is going to bed! But, he is usually pretty consistant in that he is usually in bed no later than 930.

So you like True Blood, what a big deal? Next time just remember to tell yourself that the laundry will be there tomorrow and that your child and your sanity are way more important!

Girl about the eating out part I understand. Trust me. I feel the same way with the kids. Caleb wants to get down and play, Jadon and Codey can't sit still for the life of them and they constantly want some other things. Autumn is relatively good. Sometimes she throws attitude, but not all that often. I will definitely go out to breakfast with you.

Okay girl not sure if you are going to get to read this tonight, and I don't think I responded to everything, but I think I hit on the main points.

Remember you need to take care of you so you can take care of them.

Love ya,

P.S. I was just watching T.V. saw this commercial, and forgot to tell you that if you ever see the Dell commerical where they are singing Lollipop. Lollipop oh Lolli, Lolli, Lollipop...You need to think of Caleb. He LOVES that commercial and comes running from anywhere in the house he is to watch that commercial! And today, he came ripping around the corner from the kitchen saying LOLLIPOP!!!! It was adorable.