Saturday, August 14, 2010


Hey chickie,

So, I know that I haven't been on here lately. I just got off of 12 hour shifts and am now working 7-3 Tuesday-Saturday, and I am LOVING it. So, I figured since I SHOULD be having more time to be able to post and stay connected with you. I know that you have been posting tweets, which reminds me to go check my account, but I don't think you are receiving my responses. I feel so disconnected from you.

I really do miss you a lot. I think about you all the time. I don't understand where I went wrong and lost so much contact with you. I feel HORRIBLE that I don't get to talk to you as much. I know that things are going great for John and you, and I know that you're always super busy with the kids and work. If I remember correctly you are also due to start school sometime this month, which is going to take more of your time. It makes me sad that we don't talk as much as we used to. I know that I have been busy with work, school, the kids, the house, you know, all the things you get busy with. I just wish there was some day during the week that we could set aside 2 hours to connect. I feel like it is important for me.

So, how is the Love Dare going? I finally watched the movie Fireproof and talk about a darn good movie. I could see John and you in some aspects. I am going to watch it with Jeff at some point in time and we ARE going to start the Love Dare again. Although things are going really really good right now, we still have our days where things can be tense and we just had an argument about a week ago.

So, update on the Campbell homefront: I took a huge step and applied for Supervisor within my company. I am nervous, I take my written exam on Monday at noon my time and it should take about 3 hours. I have gotten so many mixed reports of things at work. For instance, my boss told me that I should apply because I never know what could happen. Then I have a supervisor telling me that my boss has already made her decision and that the whole application process was just for show and to cover her rear in case of a complaint. Then, the person I am up against doesn't care for me anyways and everytime she is around me she's sure to make reference to when she becomes supervisor (the chosen one).

The couple of things that really make me thing this is all unethical is that the deadline was last month for the complete application packets to be in. Well, the other day the chosen one was talking to a Lieutenant of the Sheriffs department and stated "Thank you for the buttering thing, I now have until oral boards to submit what I need to." Well on top of that, one of the criteria was that you had to be with the authroity full time for one year, she has only been back with the authority full time for like 4 months, well HR pushed her through and allowed her to apply anyways. Seem fishy to you? I know it does to me.

I can tell you that with everything going on, if she gets supervisor, I am quitting. I refuse to work under such a person who lets the title go to her head. She is also not very friendly with people and is brash, and made comment that she told our boss that she was willing to sign up for sensitivity training. Sounds more fishy right?

I have recently noticed that I am beginning to look at things in a different light. I am starting to look at things like this: this life that we have here on earth is too short to worry about stuff, like what I have described. I need to be spending more time with the kids, my husband, and living. I was just thinking that we should take a small vacation. Even if it is just for the weekend. Albuquerque NM is not too far from here, about 4 hours and they have an aquarium, awesome zoo, and some other things. But it would be family time that is being spent together. What we deal with while we live is going to pale in comparison to what we have when we finally meet our maker and His kingdom.

When we live running in the fast lane and never take the time to slow down we miss so much of what we should be enjoying, seeing, hearing, and experiencing. You really do have to take the time to smell the roses.

So, anways, I am excited, I am in my last semester of college and am due to graduate in December. I would send you an invitation, but I know that you can't make it. I may send you one just so you have it, that is if you want it. I am scared because the classes I am taking are going to be difficult, but it is only 16 weeks of my life that I must invest in it for a lifetime of recognition.

I was going to tell you that if you want a good movie to watch that will make you cry from about an hour into it to about 30 minutes after it, you have to watch Hachi. It never hit the theaters but it is available at most red boxes and online through Netflix. One of the girls I work with (Future supervisor hopeful) said she bought it at Wal-Mart. I really think that Bird would like it, although he is a growing boy and he may not want to watch sappy movies. But hey, it is just a suggestion.

Alright girlie, I am going to get off of here. I am going to go to bed and try and have a good night. Know that I really do miss you very very much and love with depths as deep as the ocean.

Talk to you soon,