Wednesday, June 24, 2009

they say that misery loves company. here is yours.

Gab hit me today. HIt Me. She looked at me and wacked me and then I said no and she HIT ME again. SO that is what I get for working a nine hour day today which I did by the way!

Then I lost it when I saw how yucky my tub looked and although I really wanted to take a bath and relax instead I scubbed the shit out of the purple tub and now it looks fresh and clean and I am too tired to take a bath. So I came here to you to co miserate. lol.

That being said every thing esle is good here besides for the fact that I ate bad and can not even remeber what the hell I ate today. Whatever. lol. SO I did work off some of those calories.

I know that we need to talk tommorrow because I read over your blog and I know that you are upset but I feel like there is probally other things that you might not have blogged about today. So I would love to talk with you tommorrow if we can and try to figure out some of these things.

I am sorry that caleb has been a challenge and that he is getting into everything and making you burnt out. THat and your job wearing you down. I know that you have it tough. I was gone for a nine hours and it was killing me. I dont know how you do it and it is so amazing and strong. you need to remember how well you are handling it all to the outside world.

I hope that work is going well for you. I am probally going to hit the hay. I am tired and I have an early apointment tommorrow and another long day. Some times I dont want to go back to full time ever but the fact is that like you I want my family to have a house to live in and to get that I have to go back to work fulltime and I need to work hard. the kids will understand some day why we did it and it is important for children to learn that nice things require hard work, and that they will work hard too.

Okay. Love you always and miss you daily. I cannot wait until the day that you and I get to go out shopping and for coffee.....Cannot wait!