Thursday, January 14, 2010

Speaking of busy

Hey grlie, thank you so much for getting back to me! I feel MUCH better now that I have heard from you. I know that you are busy, I just get insecure from time to time. I am really glad to hear that I motivate you even when we don't talk much. I know that I am doing good then!

You absolutely do have to get going on those two huge projects. They are a BIG part of the rest of your life! You can do it. I think that going to the library and just getting it all done is a fantastic idea. It's quiet and you have an almost unlimited number of resources around you in case you were to need them.

I hope that tonight goes well for you. I really do hope that you have lost some weight! I am not even going to weigh myself right now, I have my montly visitor and that alwasy packs on weight, not to mention inches thanks to the water retention. So I will post next week how I am doing. I have been bad once this week for sure (we went to Chilis) and then tomorrow is Autumns birthday, so we are taking her to Applebees. I will do my best to either a) eat really well during the day and be kind of bad at night or b) eat really well during the day and indulge in a salad when we get there. Pray that I can do good!

Sorry to hear that Gab is so hard to get down at night. I know it must be a pain. Thanks for the complements on Caleb. He is for sure a good boy. He LOVES to read. He can read the same book 15 times and still ask for more. He prefers to read rather than watch t.v. or play. But I just see it as him retaining a lot of information for future use. He may not be able to verablize everything in that little head of his (although he does a REALLY good job), but one day he is going to! I feel bad when I get upset with for bugging me about reading...there are times like when I am eating or trying to clean up that he runs behind me crying "Please?" I just feel really guilty.

He's sleeping right now. He's been down for about 45 minutes and I hope he sleeps another hour or so. It was so cute this morning I sneezed and he told me "Bless you" and then I told him I loved him and he told me it back. For the most part it is really clear when he says something too, I mean he has a couple of problems with some conjunctions and linkage but for the most part he is understandable. In the past couple of days I have noticed that he is putting two or more words together. For a while now he has certain sentences that he says, but there are more about to come.

So, moving on, you want to hear something terrible? I get a call from my boss yesterday stating that I needed to go and do ANOTHER set of fingerprints for the academy because the FBI rejected them. Jenny wanted to overnight them, but they got there too late and the post office wouldn't guarantee that they would make it to Santa Fe in time. So, there is a chance that I will not be going to academy on the 24th. The state takes a furlough day on Friday and then Monday is a holiday, and the FBI needed the fingerprints by today at 5 in order to make a decision to accept them or not. If I don't get into this class, I think the next class is in March. Now, for clarification it wasn't just my prints they rejected, they rejected all 3 of ours.

I am so exhausted right now, I cleaned my living room from top to bottom and wall to wall today (minus the entertainment stand area because it is too heavy). I have done like 5 or 6 loads of laundry. I am just pooped.

HA! I need to tell you that I had my books for school and Autumns gift delivered today by UPS and when the guy rang the doorbell he said "Pizzie!" (He can't say Pizza). Now Crys, we have only ordered pizza here to the house maybe 3 times in 2 years. He's a smart little booger, let me tell you. He loves to do laundry with me. I hand him the clothes out of the washer and he puts them in the dryer, closes the door, and pushes the start button! Hopefully this stays with him as he gets older.

Well, it is official, classes started for me today. I am taking only 3 but one is a statistics course where I have to use SPSS software. I am not looking forward to this at all. I have 5 books for 3 classes...that cost $259.00. Gosh, school is so expensive.

Alrighty girl, I want to sit and relax for a bit. Caleb should/could be getting up at any time from now out to an hour.

I will talk to you soon.

Love and miss you lots,