Sunday, April 10, 2011

:) Baby showers are bad for dietsssss!

I am pretty sure that I gained back the pound that I lost at my cousins dumb baby shower today. Let's hope not but i dont know. Anyway. I am tired!! Long day and now back to work tommorrow and I am really not looking forward to it!!!! I hope that your day went well. I got your text about little man sleeping in his own bed last night good job!!! I forget is he in with the boys now and days or still in your room? Great work. Gab is still with me by the middle of the night but I am not fighting it anymore. The way I figure it is someday it wont be like that so why stress over it today. It really isnt getting me and gab anywhere anyhow. Bird is at a hockey game with John and it is just me and this little girl. so I am going to go play. Love you miss you.