Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas

I feel like all I do is eat and I am really fat. The stress over this condo has been relentless. But we are sopposed to close on tuesday the 29th so we will see what happens with that. I am planning on working on the blog and my diet for my new years resolution and I usually follow what I set up myself to follow so I am just eating whatever until after tommorrow and then I am back in full effect because I am starting to feel fat again and that makes me sad.

Anyway this is not sopposed to be about that! Merry christmas and thank you for our cards. I got them today and I felt so sad but happy to be holding something in my hand that was once not so long ago in yours. I loved reading your writing! I am thinking about writing you some hand written letters. I think they are really meaningful, I love when you type to but the cards were really nice!

Did your grades come out? I am dying to know what I got. I will be happy as a clam with a B but I am hoping for better and praying for not worse. Oh well.

Merry Christmas girl Miss you and I hope that you are with the kiddos in this holiday and that little caleb is doing well with his Big brave boy attitude that he has.

Love ya!
