Tuesday, July 19, 2011


hey girlie.

i went to weight watchers last night and I lost a pound and a half back of the weight that I gained when I took the kids on vacation. I am getting super frustrated that it is so slow this time. I have been at this for a while and I know that I am not making all the best choices hence why it is not working all that well. But what I dont get is what my problem is! I know that I am really busy and I am but girl I was doing so much better the last time. I think I just miss you and I know that I need to get more exercise and pack my darn lunch.

Sorry just felt the need to vent.

I hope you are doing well and I hope that one of these days you come on here and are surprised to see a few little blobs. It would be so wonderful if I got to this more often. I know I should and want to. I know part of it is that I still have not fixed my computer which I absolutely need to do before I go back to school!! It is so hard to believe that the summer is half over and that in about a month I will be starting classes again. OMG and the bigger thing is that I will be interning. I pray that I find a way to get through this year of interning working full time because next year is going to be really tough and this year the internship I have is flexible I am not sure that I will get that again. I know that I will have to cut my hours at work next year. SO I want to get the most out of this year that I can. It is sad because I know that I will be so busy and have alot of time missing my kiddos. I know that in the long run it is for the best and I tell myself that everyday when I get up and rush around to leave for work. I feel bad leaving them but what I am going to do I have to work. As we all do. I was thinking about taking the last week of august off to be with the kids but now I am thinking that maybe I need to start looking at the calender and do it a bit sooner.

Summer is flying by. I am sure for you all the more since you kiddos go back to school before mine.

Either way I am about to meet with the BCBA. I wish it was you!!!
