Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Good evening Crystal! I am so happy to be on here, and I feel really good about starting this.

I hope that you are doing well, it makes me sad to not talk to you as much as I would like to, but am forever greatful to have you as my friend. I hope that the kids are doing well.

Well here it is....the Cleanse, Detox, and Rebuild portion of our weight loss. After we are done with these three steps, then we will be in a mindset of smaller portions, hence allowing us to keep off and continue to lose the weight. Lets do this girlie!


It is very important that you eat ONLY the foods we've specified below, and completly avoid the foods that can cause allergic or inflammatory responses.

Food and drink that you CANNOT have:

  • Alcohol, caffeine, and drinks containing sugar or artificial sweetners. This includes ALL sweetners no matter how "natural" they claim to be.
  • Avoid ALL foods with refined sugar
  • No gluten--look for "Gluten free" on the package. Wheat, rye, oat and barley contain gluten, so all foods containing these grains--most notably bread and pasta are to be avoided.
  • No dairy, period. Eggs are okay in the first phase of your detox.
  • Avoid corn and tomato sausces, foods high in fat and oil, refined oils, shortenings, margaring and other butter substitutes.
  • No peanuts.
  • Miscellaneous: No pork products, processed meaths (hotdogs, sausages) or shell fish.
  • Certaintly avoid anything else, not mentioned here, to which to know you have an allergy or any kind of reaction. What kind of reaction? "Gee, it seems whenever I eat a lot of fill in the blank, I want to lie down and go to sleep." That kind of reaction.
  • Reduce salt as much as is possible (though this is not a salt-free diet) and use Celtic salt when you do.
  • NO hydrogenated fats or oils (Read the labels!)

You will abstain from these foods for the duration of the diet.

You should drink a gallon of water a day, sipped in portions of several ounces each throughout the day. No chlorinated or fluorinated water, that is, avoid tap water.

You ARE permitted to eat:

  • Vegetables, fruits and melons--though fruits and melon should be avoided in the second phase to cut down your sugar consumption.
  • Nuts, not peanuts, but almonds, cashews, Brazil nuts, walnuts, and pecans are all acceptable. Acceptable are sugar free, organic nut butters, i.e. almond butter.
  • Fish, chicken, and turkey can be eaten for protein, though fowl should be skinless. Lean beef is also okay. Remember: NO pork.
  • Olive oil is for cooking and salads. No corn, canola or other oils.
  • Rice and buckwheat, that is, non-gluten containing grains can be eaten.
  • Ezekiel bread is gluten-free bread made from sprouted grains and can be used throughout the diet as a bread substitute for sandwiches, etc.
  • Caffeine-free coffee and tea--green and herb tea--and clean drinking water.
  • Have as much sex as you can handle.

The Cleanse:

The first six days, conform to the diet as specified above. This will prepare your body, "loosening" things up and opening the channels for the excretion and elimination of those substances during Detox. Supplement with:

  • A full-spectrum vitamin and mineral supplement
  • Omega-3 fish oil supplement
  • Acidophilus supplement
  • You can eat as much as you'd like of lean protein and vegetables, and a moderate amount of non-gluten grains/bread. Salads are okay, whole tomatos are included.
  • Reserve fruits and melon for desserts, having just a small portion due to the sugar content of these foods.

The Detox:

For the subsequent 10 days, you will actually be eliminating the toxins and inflammants form your system. Yeast and harmful bacteria will also be reduced or eliminated--certaintly brought winthin your body's tolerance and ability to deal with them. Adhere to the diet, exluding fruits and melons.

**Personal note--it takes a little getting used to, but it's not that bad. Give it a chance.

Eat lean protein, vegetables, nuts, etc. as in the Cleanse.

The Rebuild:

For the following seven days you will be eating a healthy diet that will allow your body to restore cells, tissues and organs to health. Obviously, in just a week or so, you won't be made to look and feel like twenty, unless of course, you are twenty. But this extra time allows your body to "gear up" for youthful cell production. Stick to the food list. You may add fruit and melon, conservatively, back to your diet.

Don't forget to take:

  • Vitamins/Minerals
  • Omega-3 Oil
  • Acidophilus


So, there it is. The very hell of cell reproduction and the cleanse and detox that starts the whole process. But, I think it is going to be worth it. I got a lot of stuff today, but not enough vegetables, and I got soy bread, but it still contains gluten, so I am going to go to a health food store and get some gluten free products. I know that it is going to cost me an arm and a leg, but I need it. Maybe I won't feel so tired all the time. Tell me what you think, ok?

Talk to you soon.

Love ya bunches,
