Wednesday, May 20, 2009



Please don't dwell on your weight right now. Give it a week or so and see what happens. Also, try and stop eating at night, you know that it makes it harder for you to lose weight.

I am working on getting back on track with my eating. I made a scrumptous meal last night I think you should try it.

Grounded Turkey 1lb
Green Chilis
Cream of Asparagus Soup
Garlic Salt
Whole Wheat Pasta
Parmesean Cheese

Mix the first 6 ingredients, boil your pasta and then mix it together with the turkey and top with Parmesean Cheese. This was really good last night, I actually have left overs for today.

I weighed in this morning at 217 so I am going to definitely have to get my butt in gear. I brought limited food with me today so I force myself to drink more water. And I am thinking I deserve to take 1 hour to go to the gym.

Guess what....I BOUGHT A NEW SUV. YUP!!!! A 2005 Sequoia. Beautiful it is. I will take pics and post them later. The payments are very high, but at least I have my family in the same vehcile.

Crys, last night for the first time, I took10 minutes for myself where all I did was sit down and relax. No Tv, No radio, No nothing. I put my facial peel on, sat down on the bed, leaned my head back and just relaxed. I forced myself not to look at anything on the floor, or the fact that my dresser looks like a tornado hit it. I just closed my eyes. It was great.

Yesterday, I also sat down and watched all the videos of Kayleigh and I just lost it. I cried and cried and cried. The tears were just free flowing and I couldn't stop them. I felt a plethora of emotions ranging from complete sadness, to a sense of loss, and anger. Today I am still upset, but have a slight sense of knowing that she is in Heaven and not hurting anymore.

You know and yesterday going through everything I was having a hard time dealing with not having my grandmother. I don't think that I ever really sit down and miss her because life is just too busy. Speaking of which, I neglected to go out to the cemetary and see her. That is horrible of me to not make the time for her. What is 1 hour of my life?

Today I work until 4 so I won't even be able to get the kids until 5 or so. Jeff should be home around 10 or 11 tonight, I am looking forward to that.

Girlie I really miss talking to you, again life is so busy right now. I really do appreciate the kind words though. And besides Jeff you are the only one who truly sees and appreciates me. I couldn't ask for a better friend. You are amazing. One day I will get to see you. Although now with this payment I went and made, I can't guarantee when.