Friday, February 20, 2009


So I have been MIA for a couple of days, but I have been busy and absolutely exhausted. But I am back.

The last couple of days I have not eaten too bad. I have substituted and cheated a little bit, but nothing real big, I am still following the SP diet, so I am hoping to see results soon.

Crystal, I hear you about the whole baby in the bed thing. Caleb is 100% COMPLETELY used to sleeping with us and falling asleep with us next to him. As I am typing this I have him in his crib, trying to get him to realize that he needs to lay down and sleep. He's making noise, but he's not crying uncontrollably. I know he's tired it has been 3.5 hours since he last slept. We shall see. If I go in there and lay down with him I am going to pass out and not move him into his crib. Boy we are in the same situation.

So far today I have eaten:

B-2 whole wheat pieces of toast with jam and 3/4 of a yoplait lf strawberry yogurt
L-egg salad on 2 pieces of whole wheat toast with 1/2 a banana

Okay I better go, he is getting quite upset. I'll be back later.