So yesterday didn't go too well. Usually one of our Community Service Officers will go get us food and for whatever reason, she decided she wasn't going to yesterday. So I had to order food.
L-Cereal with 1/2 bagel
D-Dominos baked chicken and ranch sandwich with a bag of Nacho Cheese Chips...oh and 3/4 of a Dr. Pepper.
I know, I know, you don't have to tell me about the Dr. Pepper. I'm trying...honestly.
So far today:
L-Pita Pouch with Italian Roast Beef Deli Meat, shredded mozarella cheese and spicy brown mustard and a 100 Calorie, FF Chocolate snack pudding.
I think my only option for dinner today is going to be Jeff's delicious Chili. For snacks I will take some Raisins and maybe one other thing, depending what I can find in the house that isn't too bad.
On a positive note I drank almost 3L of water in 2 days.
I haven't been in the best of moods for the last couple of days. Of course I can't pinpoint anything, but I think it may have something to do with my grandmother, my sister, and of course the evil of all human beings, finances. I really want to get out of this slump and just go back to how I was feeling a couple of weeks ago, I was actually happy.
I know for sure the one thing that is bothering is the fact that Caleb wants nothing to do with me. Last night I was trying to get him to go down and the minute he saw Jeff he lunged for Jeff and started to cry because I was holding him. I KNOW that it is because I don't get up with him in the middle of the night so he sees who cares more about him. This morning I was so exhausted that when he got up at 645 I couldn't stay up I had Jeff call the sitter and have her come get him, because physically I couldn't stay up. But I guess like you Crystal I should just suck it up and stay up and do what I have too. I wonder also, if Caleb doens't want anything to do with me is because I have gotten stern with him on more than one occassion about pulling my hair, hitting me, or pulling at my necklace. He probably thinks I hate him. But what am I supposed to do? He needs to learn that certain things are not good behavior. I don't know...BLAH, BLAH, BLAH right?
Okay, that is enough for me. I will check in on here later to see how you did.
I'm really glad for you Crystal, that your pants are starting to fall off...WAY TO GO! You're obviously doing something right!