Okay jenn, I told you that I went out to lunch today with the kids but I think that I did okay you let me know what you think.
B egg in a nest and a piece of toast
S no
L hamburger from friendlys with cheese, but only half the bun, salad with italian dressing but only a little, a little soup, and a slice of toast. It was Gabs and she did not even touch it! SO I let it get to me....
S no
D smart one and strawberries
S cereal with FF milk
Okay but her is the good part. I exercised today. I went for a walk with Darren and I walked for ten minutes then jogged for ten and walked for ten more. So I got some calories out anyway. maybe I burned off the cheese and a piece of toast. THat would be better for nothing. When I was doing it I was thinking that part of what gave me motive to get out and go was the fact that you are at the gym working out now. I need to stop complaining and get the hell out there and do something and although it is really cold out. If I can get John to keep Gab for 30 minutes then I can get in a walk each day and that is what I did. It is a start. better than nothing.
LOL darren just brought me up a banana and I said no thanks. Funny kid. Monkey, of a kid.
Heather came over here tonight and I am not alone. That is good.
Oh I had a coffee today. I guess you can say it was a snack.
Okay girl sorry that I did not have a ton to say but the bachelor is on and I am watching the trash that is this show.
Love ya and have a good rest of the night!