Monday, February 2, 2009

Happy Groundhog day....Ironic

Hello! I am wishing all my fans a happy Ground hog day, I watched the movie tonight too! And the ground hog saw his shadow and we will have six more weeks of winter. Boo.


Okay this is what I ate today and I think I did okay.

B low fat pancakes and sausage coffee
S almonds
L smart one and a banana
S no
D two piece lasansa or one big one hehe and salad

So as you can see I did okay. Of course we know that Lasana is all about the cheese!!! SO it was really good but It was sinful! I did not get any exercise per say ...I did 125 situps though so that is something!

Sorry that I do not have alot to say but that is about it for me today. Tommorrow I think it is going to be a snow day maybe. So I hope to have time to do my work out video.

I hope work is going good for you Jenn! Talk to you tommorrow.