hey read the other one first k?
She went back to sleep so I will take this moment to talk a bit more with you rather than work on what I should work on grr. I am gonna tell you the code to the weight watchers thing so you can look at it. The user name is the first par of my email address ending with the 4 and then add a 9 to that. Got it? And the password is my daughters full first name.
I hope you can get that down and then take the time to use the site for reciepts and what have you. It seems like a good tool but very similar to spark people. I think that if you join weight watchers soon it would be nice to work together but even if you didnt we always have it here!
Anyway. Tommorrow I have a date lined up with bird! We are going to the movies! And I am bringing fat free popcorn I dont care what they say! It will be hidden. lol. We are going to see the chipmunks and Heather is babysitting so we are going for sure!
Gab says bless you too! It is so cute that they are both doing that. She is funny she will say it over and over until you say thank you just to make sure you heard it. Her favorite thing to do lately is play with playdough. She loves it. She likes it when we read to her too but I feel bad we dont do it as often as we should. I read to darren ALL the time when he was little. But Gab is more a mover and a shaker than bird and so she is more into that type of stuff. She can walk up and down the stairs a thousand times by herself but I dont let her and she can run so fast that I have to run to catch her. I sware she is so light because of all the running that she does!
Yesterday I went to the Dr and I am doing well. My heart is healthy thank god. Gab is up now so I am going to go tend to her and get going to my grams you know she hates waiting for me and it is almost 4 already.
TALk to you laters.