SO I made this soup today and it was weight watchers but the dumb thing was so good that I ate like ten bowls of it and I ate it at night! I know very bad. Let's just hope that tommorrow I dont get on the scale having gained like two pounds because that would really suck and I have to go to weight watchers in a few days (thursday) and I do not want to have gained wieght back and I really want to have lost more so. That being said.
I just got done watching teen mom. It is this show on MTV about these teen mothers and their stories. i feel for them all but there is this one couple that gave their baby up for adoption and I was so upset to see on the MTV blog that people are talking trash about them. Oh my good ness it is so not nice. This poor little couple are going through so much and feel bad every day about what they did and if they did the right thing and then to have people say mean things like oh they just did not want to take care of their kid blah blah blah that is Bull shit. I think that they did the best that they could and the fact that they are still together six months later and trying to make things the best that they can be shows that they were not just looking for an easy way out. And to top it off they both come from like nothing and the girl who now lives with the boy because her own mother went and got a one bedroom apt like 40 miles away from her and was like oh yeah we want you to come with us.... WHat? How can you get a one bedroom and be like peace out to your 17 year old.....WHo had to go live with her boyfriend then. Gee and this is the same mom that thought that she should keep the baby. Then where would the baby and her fit in with her and her redneck drunk boyfriend? Grr. I just feel bad for the girl. THey are just babies themselves like you and me when we were first mommies.
Babies with Babies.....
We didnt do all that bad!
I hope that you are having a good time being all mil a tar reee you are probally gonna get all crazy skinny. You should just have them let you do drill too it can be your own little training camp! LOL I was just telling my sister this today that I would love to be on biggest loser for like a week. Do you know this guy lost 34 pounds this week on there. 34 pounds in one week!!! Of course he was 526 to start but still good god! That is a TON of weight!
ANyways besides for the over eating with the soup I did good. Tommorrow will be a test to because we have our staff meeting and during those I always do bad. SO I am going to be bringing my own food and praying for will power! My sister was over today and she is still maintianing the 140 weight that she is at and she was complaining that she wants to lose ten more pounds. I told her that I would LOVE to be 140 and it is so true! I have twenty pounds on her still and she is bitching...GRR. She has to tell me her secret. She said go to italy with no car and climb a mountain every day two and from class and eat no fast food. There you go. LOL.
ANyways, Gab is doing good. I feel like I never tell you about her anymore so I am going to take a few minutes to tell you some of what she does now and days. She counts that is for So this is her....One two three four six seven eight nine.... SHe must not like multiples of She will say it some times! SHe names colors like crazy but rarely gets them right but she is always trying she will bring somethin up to me and be like green! and its pink but goof try momma! She loves to play in the water and says swim swim swim kick kick kick while pretending to swim. She loves her baby dolls and has named them all baby shawn. THe other day at the library we saw a baby that was crawling around and she had to come home and crawl and act like a baby. It is the funniest thing. THen there is the rolling and running. SHe loves to roll and scream at the same time....SO she looks like a coo cooo bird but its cute and she runs around and around the house screaming one two three over and over.... WHen we pull onto our street she says HOME! ANd I mean the start of the street like 200 ft from home. She is now talking like crazy and says own room at the condo...... SHe is loving her gym class and is doing really well making friends with people. She said hi to like ten random strangers today at mcdonalds wow! She is not a big eater but will try whatever. She loves ketchup and chicken and sryup with sausage.... There is a commerical on tv that she HATES it is the one with the mistole and it is a warning not to drive drunk God she runs from that commerical.....
K now to be far bird.....
BIrd is becoming so big! It is his birthday this weekend and I sware he grew like ten inches. He looks more slender but did not lose weight so there for I know for sure that he is growing up higher! It is wild how fast it happens. He has been so sweet and such a big boy lately. WE are going to that concert really soon and he cant stop telling people about it! I have to take him out this sat for his birthday. It should be fun. He is getting very into wearing Jeans and my gram got him a pair that he LOVES....But I have to get him some more because he hated them for so long that he does not have a lot of them. He is getting really excited about the move and wants to make new friends and go to his new school soon. I am glad because today when we drove through the condo lot there was no lie like 6 boys with different parents in the complex. Like one on a scooter.... Two walking in the house with their mom, one at his door and two getting in the car with their mom I was like YEAH! I hope Bird makes really great friends there and that there are a few little girls too~!
K girlie I gotta hit the hay. I hope you at least get to read but never worry about being short I TOTAlly get it! You be good army brat.