Hey Jenn.
So sorry that I have not posted. Grr I really mean to get on the computer. I am so tired at night and getting gab down has been a real big challenge because there is no real routine now with the bedroom being such a joke right now. So I am just so beat by the time I get her down that I dont even take out the computer.
I hope you got my text. The pics you sent me were so cute. Caleb is almost as long as you and boy does he look good with his mama! You are doing a great job getting him grown up! Big man.
Gab is still a peanut but she sure has a personally. And Darren is growing like a weed. he is so close to being as tall as me it is not even funny! I have to leave to get him shortly at school. This him not taking the bus has been hard on me but easy on him for sure.
I am so sorry that you have been feeling lonely. I am being a bad friend. I have to get my shit to together. I feel like there is not enough time in the day. I am really trying to do quite a few things right now. My diet is going well but I am writing everything down and it is taking some of my energy for sure! But it is working and I think that tonight when I go to weigh in I will see some results. I sure hope that is what happens. And I feel better because I am eating better. You motivate me :). Even when you dont know it.
I really love you and miss you I need you to know that and I want to talk to you all the time. I dont know what happened I think that I am just so wrapped up in Bs of life. I am trying really hard to do two more things over the next few weeks,l one is finish my application to grad school and I am being a slug about it. I have to wait for one more letter from my boss and I have all the other pieces from other people and transcripts what have you but I need to sit down and do my resume and my letter to the grad program then I am done. I have a goal of next wed then I am going to drive it all down there. THe next thing that I need to get done after that is my portfolio. It is really a project! I am so close but I have to just take the time to do it. I am thinking of taking a personal day and going to the library and taking over a table there and just doing the whole thing and getting it done! I need to girl!
Okay I will talk to you more later but I really have to go pee and gab is getting up in a few. LOve you miss you more than I can say.