Hey Congrats on all the things that you are doing because it looks really good! You are down some inches and that means something is happening and I bet you are down pounds already too but dont rush to find that out if you are not ready because I think that you dont need the number to show the success when you have the inches already! Oh and congrats on your eating too it looks really good. I tell you that I think that you shouls join weight watchers when you get a chance. I went last week and I feel really good about what is happening., I am tracking what I have eaten bite for bite. I am really trying to get in healthy things and watch for cravings and eating at night meals which was what I was doing there for a while and it was really bad.
SO JUST so you know I am so sorry that we have not talked. I have not done anything. It is so cold here that I cring at going out. I got your text that you were at nine. Today we were at zero. I know that you know my pain. It is even winter in places in the us that never have winter. They are worried about the zoo animals! The cold sucks! Jenn I just realized that I have not been to church in ages. It is so bad. I think that I am going to try my best to go back as soon as the condo is calmed down.
Right now I am a single mom so to speak because John is at the condo ALLLLLL DAY LONG! HE gets home at like 9 each night and passes out. It is easy to see he is not used to all this work. But it is finally coming along. It was a nightmare. The carpets were glued to the padding which was glued to the floor. It was insane and took a full week to have the carpets removed. My brother was over there every day after school until nine helping John. It was a job from hell. but that part is done and I stopped over there today and the painter is really moving along. The living room and the halls and kitchen are a tan color, gabs room is purple! , birds is blue grayish, ours is green a very gentle green, and the ceilings are white. I am still not sure what we are doing in the bathrooms but we are going to have to figure that out probally by tuesday because the painter is really moving along. He has all the ceilings done and is starting the main house color. I cant wait to see it and show it to you when it is done. I did not take enough before pics! But bird has video on the ipod lol if I can figure out how to transfer in to online I will!
Oh by the way we sold our bedroom set that we had now and gab and I are sleeping on the floor on a twin mattress. I think it goes without saying that we are not all that comfortable.
My gram was in the hospital again all week and she is out now but she is really mad. SHe is so angry at my uncle george and their family for not coming around or calling her that much at the hospital or coming to pick her up when she needed a ride home. I get it but she is just being really stubborn. They call all day and she ignores the calls. I dont know. She got really mad because she asked my uncle for a ride home from the hospital and he told her it depends what time and she was pissed because she wanted him to just get the time off from work and get her. But I guess seeing that my uncle is a sargent he probally figured why should I take time of from work when there are other people that can get her meaning me or my other uncle that doesnt work. The two uncles hate each other but uncle david doesnt know that uncle george hates him as much as he does becuase george just decided to pretend david died but never told him that was what he was doing. So David thinks everything is fine but that is a four hour conversation. My gram thinks that my uncle just depends on me to do everything and that is fine but I dont know jenn I dont know she is so angry. I said arent you making yourself feel more alone but cutting people out but she says she is right and I am wrong for even trying to look at from another light so I gave up. So that has been my family drama but good god girl that story with the uncles has so much more to it but I can t write it here being the public exsistence of a blog so we will chat about that on the phone.
And my bird boy grew over night! He is about 2 inches below me I am telling you it is like all the sudden he is huge! Just in time to turn nine which is in just a few weeks the 30th! But he has been having a rough time at school. The kid that he was friends with all last year is picking on him and I dont know why but it is really hurting bird and I hate the kid. He is a little shithead. Darren wanted to be taken off the bus now seeing that he just wants it to stop aso I