Hey, about the blog it actually defaulted back. I didn't change a thing! But I agree the pink is prettier.
Caleb is being difficult today in going down for his nap, he is about 2 hours late. I read to him, sang to him, laid with him and he just won't do it. To top it off he has a full belly. Hopefully he will be down in about 15-30 minutes, if not I will have a wholly terror on my hands by 2. He finds anything and everything he can do to keep himself awake. Can you see the terrible twos coming because I sure can.
I am going to join Weight Watchers as soon as I can. I don't think it will be this upcoming paycheck but I should be able to do it come the next one. We will see, Jeff may forward me the money! So, I will jump on the bandwagon with you. Although I haven't done too awfully bad this last week. I've only eaten "bad" two times. Once was at work, and in my defense we were setting up the command post and I didn't have anything I could bring that wouldn't sour without a fridge, but instead of ordering Mexican I ordered a club sandwich. Still a lot of calories but way less fat and cholesterol. Then last night Jeff and I were coming back with Caleb and Codey from Las Cruces and we stopped at Whataburger, and I got my normal burger with fries, but instead of a Dr. Pepper I got a tea, and I gave about 1/2 my fries to Caleb. So, not good, but I could've done worse with the Dr. Pepper. I am taking baby steps.
I have found that I really like these new 100 calorie fruit crisps from either Special K or Kelloggs. They are just like a pop-tart but they are way less calories. I put that in conjunction with some yogurt or fruit, and some hot tea, and it is really good, and under 300 calories for breakfast. I strongly suggest you look for them at stop-n-shop the next time you go shopping. I think they would be a great snack for you to have on hand, especially when you are working and driving between clients.
This is what I have eaten today:
B-1/2 everything bagel (150 Calories) with a very small amount of butter
S-1 bar of the Fruit Crisps (50 Calories)...Caleb decided he liked them and ate the other bar
L-Creamy chicken noodle soup made with whole wheat pasta, carrots, celery and onions.
I don't know how mnay calories are in the soup, but it is a diabetic recipe so I don't think that it could be too many...I'll guestimate at around 350. So far today that gives me 550 calories. I am thinking that I am going to have your infamous strawberries and milk for snack and then for dinner I am making turkey sausage with tomatoes, squash and zucchini, that may give me another 300 calories or so. If I do it right I will hit right around 1200 calories, which is my target. For the most part, this is how I have been doing. Of course I haven't had a chance to get back to the gym since the other day because we were on the road from 9 yesterday morning to 930 last night. But, I am going tomorrow, come hell or high water. I deserve it.
On an even more positive note, I had done some measurements last week and when I measured yesterday just for the hell of it, my hips were down 1" and my waist was down 2" already. I haven't taken my weight yet, but I will probably have to do that in the morning before work, because as you can see I've already eaten for today.
Oh, real fast back to the soup. I know that a couple of months ago you were saying how Gab is a carnivore, well Caleb not so much. When I fixed him his bowl of soup today, he ate a little bit of the pasta, but he purposefully moved the pasta and the chicken to get to the carrots and celery. Can you believe it? He won't eat a hamburger or chicken nuggets when we get it for him. And he won't drink milk, unless it is chocolate. So, I compromise and give him the chocolate milk, but only one glass a day, when we have it. I think that in conjunction with the yogurt and string cheese he eats, he should be getting a good portion of his calcium and stuff that he needs.
I am so excieted about school starting, but at the same time I am nervous. I mean I leave town the 24th of January and come back the 13th of February, maybe the night of the twelfth. School is hard enough when I am not out of town, it is going to be a major struggle the three weeks I am going to be gone. I keep telling myself though that I am almost done, this is the light at the end of the tunnel.
I don't know about you but I am having a lot of problems drinking water. I don't have a problem drinking cranberry juice (which I limit myself to 4-6oz a day) or even drinking tea. I just can't seem to swallow down enough water. I know that it is key for me, so why don't I just do it?
Alrighty girl, I have rambled enough. I look forward to seeing you on here more. If there is anyway that I can help you out in your journey, let me know. Love you always.