WEll updating you on whats going on with my attempts to be healthy. I am doing well.t another pound and a half according to weight watchers I am 158.0 and at my house I am 155.8. I am really glad that I am on the way back down. Like I told you as soon as I weigh less that 153 then i will feel like I am really losing weight again because that was where I was when you came to see me and then I fell off the wagon and I have to get back on. I hope that things are okay with you and that you are at home with your family by now. I know that you are going to be very busy with them seeing as you want to give them all your time. I understand so dont worry about it but just know that I miss you dearly and look forward to talking to you soon.
Love ya girlie....
Oh by the way I am not without fault. I ate two cupcakes tonight and lasgna. It was my brother's b day and he came over for dinner and tommorrow is Darren's and my sister;s so I am going to have a hard weekend!
My best friend Crystal and I are enduring this journey of becoming healthy. It is a daily struggle as many others know, so we have decided to help each other. Becoming healthy is so much more than weight. It is also being able to release tensions, reduce stress, and find a spiritual self. Finding a place where one can vent without worry of ridicule or judgement is difficult to find. If that is what you're looking for, sit down, put your thoughts into words, and feel a sense of relief.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
army brat...
SO I made this soup today and it was weight watchers but the dumb thing was so good that I ate like ten bowls of it and I ate it at night! I know very bad. Let's just hope that tommorrow I dont get on the scale having gained like two pounds because that would really suck and I have to go to weight watchers in a few days (thursday) and I do not want to have gained wieght back and I really want to have lost more so. That being said.
I just got done watching teen mom. It is this show on MTV about these teen mothers and their stories. i feel for them all but there is this one couple that gave their baby up for adoption and I was so upset to see on the MTV blog that people are talking trash about them. Oh my good ness it is so not nice. This poor little couple are going through so much and feel bad every day about what they did and if they did the right thing and then to have people say mean things like oh they just did not want to take care of their kid blah blah blah that is Bull shit. I think that they did the best that they could and the fact that they are still together six months later and trying to make things the best that they can be shows that they were not just looking for an easy way out. And to top it off they both come from like nothing and the girl who now lives with the boy because her own mother went and got a one bedroom apt like 40 miles away from her and was like oh yeah we want you to come with us.... WHat? How can you get a one bedroom and be like peace out to your 17 year old.....WHo had to go live with her boyfriend then. Gee and this is the same mom that thought that she should keep the baby. Then where would the baby and her fit in with her and her redneck drunk boyfriend? Grr. I just feel bad for the girl. THey are just babies themselves like you and me when we were first mommies.
Babies with Babies.....
We didnt do all that bad!
I hope that you are having a good time being all mil a tar reee you are probally gonna get all crazy skinny. You should just have them let you do drill too it can be your own little training camp! LOL I was just telling my sister this today that I would love to be on biggest loser for like a week. Do you know this guy lost 34 pounds this week on there. 34 pounds in one week!!! Of course he was 526 to start but still good god! That is a TON of weight!
ANyways besides for the over eating with the soup I did good. Tommorrow will be a test to because we have our staff meeting and during those I always do bad. SO I am going to be bringing my own food and praying for will power! My sister was over today and she is still maintianing the 140 weight that she is at and she was complaining that she wants to lose ten more pounds. I told her that I would LOVE to be 140 and it is so true! I have twenty pounds on her still and she is bitching...GRR. She has to tell me her secret. She said go to italy with no car and climb a mountain every day two and from class and eat no fast food. There you go. LOL.
ANyways, Gab is doing good. I feel like I never tell you about her anymore so I am going to take a few minutes to tell you some of what she does now and days. She counts that is for one.lol So this is her....One two three four six seven eight nine.... SHe must not like multiples of five....lol. She will say it some times! SHe names colors like crazy but rarely gets them right but she is always trying she will bring somethin up to me and be like green! and its pink but goof try momma! She loves to play in the water and says swim swim swim kick kick kick while pretending to swim. She loves her baby dolls and has named them all baby shawn. THe other day at the library we saw a baby that was crawling around and she had to come home and crawl and act like a baby. It is the funniest thing. THen there is the rolling and running. SHe loves to roll and scream at the same time....SO she looks like a coo cooo bird but its cute and she runs around and around the house screaming one two three over and over.... WHen we pull onto our street she says HOME! ANd I mean the start of the street like 200 ft from home. She is now talking like crazy and says own room at the condo...... SHe is loving her gym class and is doing really well making friends with people. She said hi to like ten random strangers today at mcdonalds wow! She is not a big eater but will try whatever. She loves ketchup and chicken and sryup with sausage.... There is a commerical on tv that she HATES it is the one with the mistole and it is a warning not to drive drunk God she runs from that commerical.....
K now to be far bird.....
BIrd is becoming so big! It is his birthday this weekend and I sware he grew like ten inches. He looks more slender but did not lose weight so there for I know for sure that he is growing up higher! It is wild how fast it happens. He has been so sweet and such a big boy lately. WE are going to that concert really soon and he cant stop telling people about it! I have to take him out this sat for his birthday. It should be fun. He is getting very into wearing Jeans and my gram got him a pair that he LOVES....But I have to get him some more because he hated them for so long that he does not have a lot of them. He is getting really excited about the move and wants to make new friends and go to his new school soon. I am glad because today when we drove through the condo lot there was no lie like 6 boys with different parents in the complex. Like one on a scooter.... Two walking in the house with their mom, one at his door and two getting in the car with their mom I was like YEAH! I hope Bird makes really great friends there and that there are a few little girls too~!
K girlie I gotta hit the hay. I hope you at least get to read but never worry about being short I TOTAlly get it! You be good army brat.
I just got done watching teen mom. It is this show on MTV about these teen mothers and their stories. i feel for them all but there is this one couple that gave their baby up for adoption and I was so upset to see on the MTV blog that people are talking trash about them. Oh my good ness it is so not nice. This poor little couple are going through so much and feel bad every day about what they did and if they did the right thing and then to have people say mean things like oh they just did not want to take care of their kid blah blah blah that is Bull shit. I think that they did the best that they could and the fact that they are still together six months later and trying to make things the best that they can be shows that they were not just looking for an easy way out. And to top it off they both come from like nothing and the girl who now lives with the boy because her own mother went and got a one bedroom apt like 40 miles away from her and was like oh yeah we want you to come with us.... WHat? How can you get a one bedroom and be like peace out to your 17 year old.....WHo had to go live with her boyfriend then. Gee and this is the same mom that thought that she should keep the baby. Then where would the baby and her fit in with her and her redneck drunk boyfriend? Grr. I just feel bad for the girl. THey are just babies themselves like you and me when we were first mommies.
Babies with Babies.....
We didnt do all that bad!
I hope that you are having a good time being all mil a tar reee you are probally gonna get all crazy skinny. You should just have them let you do drill too it can be your own little training camp! LOL I was just telling my sister this today that I would love to be on biggest loser for like a week. Do you know this guy lost 34 pounds this week on there. 34 pounds in one week!!! Of course he was 526 to start but still good god! That is a TON of weight!
ANyways besides for the over eating with the soup I did good. Tommorrow will be a test to because we have our staff meeting and during those I always do bad. SO I am going to be bringing my own food and praying for will power! My sister was over today and she is still maintianing the 140 weight that she is at and she was complaining that she wants to lose ten more pounds. I told her that I would LOVE to be 140 and it is so true! I have twenty pounds on her still and she is bitching...GRR. She has to tell me her secret. She said go to italy with no car and climb a mountain every day two and from class and eat no fast food. There you go. LOL.
ANyways, Gab is doing good. I feel like I never tell you about her anymore so I am going to take a few minutes to tell you some of what she does now and days. She counts that is for one.lol So this is her....One two three four six seven eight nine.... SHe must not like multiples of five....lol. She will say it some times! SHe names colors like crazy but rarely gets them right but she is always trying she will bring somethin up to me and be like green! and its pink but goof try momma! She loves to play in the water and says swim swim swim kick kick kick while pretending to swim. She loves her baby dolls and has named them all baby shawn. THe other day at the library we saw a baby that was crawling around and she had to come home and crawl and act like a baby. It is the funniest thing. THen there is the rolling and running. SHe loves to roll and scream at the same time....SO she looks like a coo cooo bird but its cute and she runs around and around the house screaming one two three over and over.... WHen we pull onto our street she says HOME! ANd I mean the start of the street like 200 ft from home. She is now talking like crazy and says own room at the condo...... SHe is loving her gym class and is doing really well making friends with people. She said hi to like ten random strangers today at mcdonalds wow! She is not a big eater but will try whatever. She loves ketchup and chicken and sryup with sausage.... There is a commerical on tv that she HATES it is the one with the mistole and it is a warning not to drive drunk God she runs from that commerical.....
K now to be far bird.....
BIrd is becoming so big! It is his birthday this weekend and I sware he grew like ten inches. He looks more slender but did not lose weight so there for I know for sure that he is growing up higher! It is wild how fast it happens. He has been so sweet and such a big boy lately. WE are going to that concert really soon and he cant stop telling people about it! I have to take him out this sat for his birthday. It should be fun. He is getting very into wearing Jeans and my gram got him a pair that he LOVES....But I have to get him some more because he hated them for so long that he does not have a lot of them. He is getting really excited about the move and wants to make new friends and go to his new school soon. I am glad because today when we drove through the condo lot there was no lie like 6 boys with different parents in the complex. Like one on a scooter.... Two walking in the house with their mom, one at his door and two getting in the car with their mom I was like YEAH! I hope Bird makes really great friends there and that there are a few little girls too~!
K girlie I gotta hit the hay. I hope you at least get to read but never worry about being short I TOTAlly get it! You be good army brat.
10:05 PM

roll call????
Roll call? Holey cow your at miltary school! Well good for you for getting there and doing it! I hope that you are learning alot and that it is going well. I miss talking to you too! I am doing okay but I have a horrible headache right now but I am hoping that it will fade soon. I had another car issue and it was some converter part or whatever and what it ended up doing is costing me another 400 dollars. All I can do is pray that I get a good tax return so that I can get these bills back down. Grr...
I owe 2500 to cap one
1500 to Raymore and Flannigan
1500 to pilgrim furtinure
500 to walmart.....
So all that together I hope to pay them all down to half which means I need to clear.....about 3500 from my tax return after the first time buyer credit because I have to give that right to John. Lets pray that I get that. Then I can feel better about having to use the cards so much recently.
Anyway I am paying the minimums so that is all set as a matter of fact I am paying over the mins so I am still in good shape i just dont like the feeling of having it all over my head you know?
Anyway the diet is going well. I ate the bast soup today but I ate a ton of it. It was alot! But it was healthy and is sopposed to be a point a cup from weight watchers and I am guessing that it was about 7 to 8 points by the time I was done. It was really good.
I hope that your family is doing well and that you are getting to talk to them a little bit! Feel free to talk to them here if you think that would help and then jeff can read it to them that was you can fill us all in at the same time!
K miss you!
I owe 2500 to cap one
1500 to Raymore and Flannigan
1500 to pilgrim furtinure
500 to walmart.....
So all that together I hope to pay them all down to half which means I need to clear.....about 3500 from my tax return after the first time buyer credit because I have to give that right to John. Lets pray that I get that. Then I can feel better about having to use the cards so much recently.
Anyway I am paying the minimums so that is all set as a matter of fact I am paying over the mins so I am still in good shape i just dont like the feeling of having it all over my head you know?
Anyway the diet is going well. I ate the bast soup today but I ate a ton of it. It was alot! But it was healthy and is sopposed to be a point a cup from weight watchers and I am guessing that it was about 7 to 8 points by the time I was done. It was really good.
I hope that your family is doing well and that you are getting to talk to them a little bit! Feel free to talk to them here if you think that would help and then jeff can read it to them that was you can fill us all in at the same time!
K miss you!
12:04 PM

Monday, January 25, 2010
Hey girlie, just want to check in with you real fast and see how you are doing. Hope you are doing well. I miss talking to you like crazy, and of course I miss you.
I am doing ok. I am exhausted. I am not used to going to bed so late. I am not allowed to lay down until after 9pm, and I have to be up at like 530 so I can go eat breakfast. I know it seems like a long time but for some reason not right now. I am also not used to sitting in a classroom all day. I am used to being very busy and stuff, so it is a big change.
I enjoyed my first day. It was a lot of fun.
I really hate to be so short and non-informative, but I am going to work on my homework and then I am going to do roll call and go to bed.
Remember, love and miss you lots.
I am doing ok. I am exhausted. I am not used to going to bed so late. I am not allowed to lay down until after 9pm, and I have to be up at like 530 so I can go eat breakfast. I know it seems like a long time but for some reason not right now. I am also not used to sitting in a classroom all day. I am used to being very busy and stuff, so it is a big change.
I enjoyed my first day. It was a lot of fun.
I really hate to be so short and non-informative, but I am going to work on my homework and then I am going to do roll call and go to bed.
Remember, love and miss you lots.
7:27 PM

Sunday, January 24, 2010
Oh boy
Hey beautiful,
Sorry to hear that you had a hard day with the eating thing, but there is always tomorrow. I ate bad today as well, on the way up here we stopped at Red Lobster and I ate the coconut shrimp. Then for dinner we only had like 45 minutes and they weren't serving it here, so we went to Burger King and I got the grilled chicken sandwich and onion rings with a Dr. Pepper. But, I didn't eat but 5 of the onion rings, and didn't touch the Dr. Pepper at all.
I did make it to Santa Fe ok. There are 3 of us up here so it is nice not to be alone! I think it is going to be a lot of work but very fun. It is so military like, we have to clean our own dorm, make our beds from scratch and so on. But, it is only 3 weeks, I think I can survive! I of course can't wait for Friday to come so I can go home to my family.
You can text me but I want to let you know that I am not able to have my phone with me from 630 in the morning until 500 at night. So, if you text I will probably not respond until after 730 my time because after we get out of class at 5 we can go out and eat and stuff until 730. I just don't want you to think that I am ignoring you, I am just restricted from even having it on my person. .
The condo is looking beautiful! I can't believe it and I know it is a sin to be jealous, but girl that is what I am. But, in the same turn I am so happy for you. You finally own your own home! Hey, what is going on with your car? I would hate for you to have to incur a car payment.
Alrighty girl I really don't have much more to say. I will try and jump on here for at least a couple minutes to let you know how things are going and that I haven't forgotten about you.
Love ya,
Sorry to hear that you had a hard day with the eating thing, but there is always tomorrow. I ate bad today as well, on the way up here we stopped at Red Lobster and I ate the coconut shrimp. Then for dinner we only had like 45 minutes and they weren't serving it here, so we went to Burger King and I got the grilled chicken sandwich and onion rings with a Dr. Pepper. But, I didn't eat but 5 of the onion rings, and didn't touch the Dr. Pepper at all.
I did make it to Santa Fe ok. There are 3 of us up here so it is nice not to be alone! I think it is going to be a lot of work but very fun. It is so military like, we have to clean our own dorm, make our beds from scratch and so on. But, it is only 3 weeks, I think I can survive! I of course can't wait for Friday to come so I can go home to my family.
You can text me but I want to let you know that I am not able to have my phone with me from 630 in the morning until 500 at night. So, if you text I will probably not respond until after 730 my time because after we get out of class at 5 we can go out and eat and stuff until 730. I just don't want you to think that I am ignoring you, I am just restricted from even having it on my person. .
The condo is looking beautiful! I can't believe it and I know it is a sin to be jealous, but girl that is what I am. But, in the same turn I am so happy for you. You finally own your own home! Hey, what is going on with your car? I would hate for you to have to incur a car payment.
Alrighty girl I really don't have much more to say. I will try and jump on here for at least a couple minutes to let you know how things are going and that I haven't forgotten about you.
Love ya,
9:20 PM

leaving town......U r.....
SO I did not eat all that good today. I did good most of the day but the thing is I had a chef salad and there is so much cheese and salmi in there. grr I did not eat it all but still.
Then big love was on tonight and I ate some crackers then. ANyway I went over my points but it is okay. I will do good tommorrow and you do get extra points so I am not really out of points. I am okay. I just ate more than I wanted to...Blah Blah Blah
I hope that things are okay for you and that you got out to your destination okay. I will text you tommorrow as I am sure that you are beat from the ride. But if you see this know that I am thinking about you.
I am following a new blog and I am really liking it. I have been following them for a long while since Kayliegh and then april rose and all that. But the name of the blog is Catherine and Hannah angels in heaven...Or something like that I can try to get you the exact link.
But anyway, this couple has had such a hard time. THey were not married until very recently but had tried twice to have a child over the last few years and lost both girls due to different reasons. One little one was born and lived for a bit and almost came home but passed away because of a heart defect very quickly and the other little one was born asleep. (that's there saying). Well they are now married and still trying and expecting a little boy. She is only 13 weeks but found out already. WOW. SHe does video blogs and all that and I am just praying for her like crazy. I thought you might like to follow it too because I think it can be a very heart warming thing to see them finally have a healthy baby. Also mom Rachel has a bicornal uterus and they think that might have something to do with the troubles for the past. But she is being watched like crazy this time.....If she can hang in for another 14 weeks is.....SHe will bring a baby home this time. I hope she makes it much longer!
Okay girl....I cant believe big love tonight was sso crazy. I know you dont watch it but it was nuts! One of the "moms" Margine the youngest one who is 25 ish kissed her sister wifes son who is 21 is and she is sopposed to be his mom....ooops... THis is gonna get wild.
K lovey...
Then big love was on tonight and I ate some crackers then. ANyway I went over my points but it is okay. I will do good tommorrow and you do get extra points so I am not really out of points. I am okay. I just ate more than I wanted to...Blah Blah Blah
I hope that things are okay for you and that you got out to your destination okay. I will text you tommorrow as I am sure that you are beat from the ride. But if you see this know that I am thinking about you.
I am following a new blog and I am really liking it. I have been following them for a long while since Kayliegh and then april rose and all that. But the name of the blog is Catherine and Hannah angels in heaven...Or something like that I can try to get you the exact link.
But anyway, this couple has had such a hard time. THey were not married until very recently but had tried twice to have a child over the last few years and lost both girls due to different reasons. One little one was born and lived for a bit and almost came home but passed away because of a heart defect very quickly and the other little one was born asleep. (that's there saying). Well they are now married and still trying and expecting a little boy. She is only 13 weeks but found out already. WOW. SHe does video blogs and all that and I am just praying for her like crazy. I thought you might like to follow it too because I think it can be a very heart warming thing to see them finally have a healthy baby. Also mom Rachel has a bicornal uterus and they think that might have something to do with the troubles for the past. But she is being watched like crazy this time.....If she can hang in for another 14 weeks is.....SHe will bring a baby home this time. I hope she makes it much longer!
Okay girl....I cant believe big love tonight was sso crazy. I know you dont watch it but it was nuts! One of the "moms" Margine the youngest one who is 25 ish kissed her sister wifes son who is 21 is and she is sopposed to be his mom....ooops... THis is gonna get wild.
K lovey...
9:03 PM

Friday, January 22, 2010
The longest minutes ever
SO I have been telling you this song and dance about how I can never work out because I dont get to the gym but I am devoting at least ten or fifteen minutes a day to high intensity exercise in the house. This is going to allow me to get 2 activity points a day for weight watchers. My goal is still to get to the gym of course but so far today has been good. THose minutes are so long!
SO I going to get off and relax a bit but I will come back later on. This computer is the one that jumps all over the page when you are typing so it is a pain to use. I will be back later! I hope you at least have access to a computer when you are away so that I can have you read to know I think about you and how I am doing with all this....
K love ya!
SO I going to get off and relax a bit but I will come back later on. This computer is the one that jumps all over the page when you are typing so it is a pain to use. I will be back later! I hope you at least have access to a computer when you are away so that I can have you read to know I think about you and how I am doing with all this....
K love ya!
11:36 AM

Thursday, January 21, 2010
pound cake
Hey girlie.
I lost a pound. I stopped at the stupid place to weigh in before I went to work and I did it one more pound. Whoo hoo. Did I tell you that my landlord is the person that weighs me in? It is so weird. Oh what is even worse is that after that I had to go make a deposit fast at the bank and I am all wearing my weight watchers name tag when the sexy but clearly gay bank teller was talking to me and knew my name I was like Shit and I said it out loud and ripped the tag off. What a moron. LOL.
I thought it would give you a giggle.
Anyway, I am trying to set up a meeting with the high up in the birth to three system so that she and I can look over this stupid portfolio together and there will be no surprises in store for me! I am getting there though. It is all together and then I read the guidelines and realized that it all needs to be single pages and you know I doubled them up and now I need yet again a bigger binder. I am telling you the thing is 20 pounds already. What a pain in the ass I cannot wait for it to be done.
So last night was not a good night in my world. Things are really tense in my house with the money that is being put into the condo and this floor guy that is on pills or whatever because he never comes when he says that he is going to this all is a great excuse for me to have to be on pins and needles in my house.
Whatever I asked for I guess. I am on the five year plan.....In five years I will have the money and the kids will be older yadayada and he can take the condo and .....
Okay you get it.
Love you for always lovin me dispite my inablilty to break free......
I lost a pound. I stopped at the stupid place to weigh in before I went to work and I did it one more pound. Whoo hoo. Did I tell you that my landlord is the person that weighs me in? It is so weird. Oh what is even worse is that after that I had to go make a deposit fast at the bank and I am all wearing my weight watchers name tag when the sexy but clearly gay bank teller was talking to me and knew my name I was like Shit and I said it out loud and ripped the tag off. What a moron. LOL.
I thought it would give you a giggle.
Anyway, I am trying to set up a meeting with the high up in the birth to three system so that she and I can look over this stupid portfolio together and there will be no surprises in store for me! I am getting there though. It is all together and then I read the guidelines and realized that it all needs to be single pages and you know I doubled them up and now I need yet again a bigger binder. I am telling you the thing is 20 pounds already. What a pain in the ass I cannot wait for it to be done.
So last night was not a good night in my world. Things are really tense in my house with the money that is being put into the condo and this floor guy that is on pills or whatever because he never comes when he says that he is going to this all is a great excuse for me to have to be on pins and needles in my house.
Whatever I asked for I guess. I am on the five year plan.....In five years I will have the money and the kids will be older yadayada and he can take the condo and .....
Okay you get it.
Love you for always lovin me dispite my inablilty to break free......
8:46 AM

Wednesday, January 20, 2010
sorry you have a cold.....and little guy too.....
Hey Pretty friend of mine....who leaves a smile on my face every time she says hello! You are such a great friend and you really know how to get me feeling better. I think that you are right about saying good things in my head about myself. It would be nice if I had someone in my life that said it to me you know but thats where you come in and Boom......Nice things are said. You are a great friend and person and very pretty too my love.....
So the rest of the day was fine....I had a ton of shit to do for the portfolio and newsletters for work and my case load is low so I have to get paper pushing done....You know. It stinks.
I am glad to see that you are not off and away from your family. You belong at home when Jeffery is not. lol. But at least this was Caleb will be almost two by then and that will be really good huh. Older the better for your trip I am thinking.
K I ate okay for the rest of today. I did of course have pizza for dinner and that was not all that good but I took most of the stupid cheese off. THe thing that I need to do is go to the gym. I get so mad. I think that I am going to start taking clothes with me and when ever I am driving from visit to visit try to fit in any time at the gym that I can. Grr.
Did you ever get a chance to look at the website with the weight watcher crap?
Ok girlie..
Love ya
So the rest of the day was fine....I had a ton of shit to do for the portfolio and newsletters for work and my case load is low so I have to get paper pushing done....You know. It stinks.
I am glad to see that you are not off and away from your family. You belong at home when Jeffery is not. lol. But at least this was Caleb will be almost two by then and that will be really good huh. Older the better for your trip I am thinking.
K I ate okay for the rest of today. I did of course have pizza for dinner and that was not all that good but I took most of the stupid cheese off. THe thing that I need to do is go to the gym. I get so mad. I think that I am going to start taking clothes with me and when ever I am driving from visit to visit try to fit in any time at the gym that I can. Grr.
Did you ever get a chance to look at the website with the weight watcher crap?
Ok girlie..
Love ya
8:35 PM

Way to go
Hey girlie, I am so proud of you for doing so well with the weight watcher thing! You are doing so well! Keep up the good work. Just remember that if you fall off the wagon, there is always your next meal, next day, and next week. It is just once.
You DO NOT look bad in any of your pictures, I think you look thin and beautiful! It is just self-perception that's all. You may want to consider doing positive self affirmations to help rebuild your self esteem. You are a beautiful woman with many beautiful features: your eyes, your hips, your hair, your smile, I could go on and on.
I had to go to El Paso today to take Caleb to the Dr. He has the common cold, nothing that requires an antibiotic. He has graciously passed it to me. So, to say the least I am beat.
I have not done perfect on my eating, but I could be doing worse. I will be back on the wagon tomorrow. I will say that I did not eat at a fast food restaurant today, I ate Denny's french toast this morning and a lite lunch from Applebees this afternoon. I could have done Sonic and Whataburger, but didn't.
I hate to keep this so short, but I also have a discussion question waiting for me for school.
Oh, really fast I will not be going to the academy come April, the FBI rejected my prints again, so I had them done via ink and sent them off for the April class. So, we shall see if I go in April. I see it as an omen, Jeff was going to be out of town at the same time as I, and I was not comfortable with that at all. This way I will be home with the kids, and we will get to celebrate our anniversary together as well.
Oh, and I bet you CAN get your portfolio done BEFORE your birthday.
Love you bunches, and miss you lots.
Hey girlie, I am so proud of you for doing so well with the weight watcher thing! You are doing so well! Keep up the good work. Just remember that if you fall off the wagon, there is always your next meal, next day, and next week. It is just once.
You DO NOT look bad in any of your pictures, I think you look thin and beautiful! It is just self-perception that's all. You may want to consider doing positive self affirmations to help rebuild your self esteem. You are a beautiful woman with many beautiful features: your eyes, your hips, your hair, your smile, I could go on and on.
I had to go to El Paso today to take Caleb to the Dr. He has the common cold, nothing that requires an antibiotic. He has graciously passed it to me. So, to say the least I am beat.
I have not done perfect on my eating, but I could be doing worse. I will be back on the wagon tomorrow. I will say that I did not eat at a fast food restaurant today, I ate Denny's french toast this morning and a lite lunch from Applebees this afternoon. I could have done Sonic and Whataburger, but didn't.
I hate to keep this so short, but I also have a discussion question waiting for me for school.
Oh, really fast I will not be going to the academy come April, the FBI rejected my prints again, so I had them done via ink and sent them off for the April class. So, we shall see if I go in April. I see it as an omen, Jeff was going to be out of town at the same time as I, and I was not comfortable with that at all. This way I will be home with the kids, and we will get to celebrate our anniversary together as well.
Oh, and I bet you CAN get your portfolio done BEFORE your birthday.
Love you bunches, and miss you lots.
6:57 PM

one more thought
hey girl one more thing by the way this is part two of today. Last year we posted 358 times WOW! Lets try to get over 400 this year. lol. WIth the rate I am going you better getting typing. I will get better.
12:48 PM

I always feel like SOMEBODY WATCHING ME>>>!
SO this is what I look like right now at 159 pounds at home and whatever 160.6 that weight watchers thinks that I am. I think that I should just go there and put photos because maybe that might scare me into having to make a change because you can see if I did not. What do you think? I am sure that you think that I am nuts but there is something to be said that someone somewhere might be looking at our blog and there for they might say wow she really is losing weight or wow this heffer is not getting it right. lol. I think that will shake me up a bit. So that was me last night. Trying to take a nice picture of myself and then I realized that in all and I mean all of my cell phone pics I look really bad. Is that just me? GOd I hope not.
ANyway today I did really good with my eating so far of course last night I fell off the deep end and ate like shit. I made this really good pasta with Cheese and veggies and I had no business making it but you know what I did and it was heavenly so at night when I was all alone in my room I got hungry and what do you think I went down to get you got it macaroni.....so bad so bad.....
Today was good though and I know I am not going to have lost any weight this week at weight watchers between the stupid thing I did last night and the friggin night bird and I went to the movies yeah really bad.
Guess what on Feb 16th I am taking bird to see breaking benjamins and three days grace at the casino. I think it will be so much fun! I hope I lose 5 more pounds by then lol. It is so hard to think of any of these pounds as loses too because I was 153 when you came down and I cant start really losing again before I am below that. Or that is what it feels like anyway.
I sent out my grad school application! I am on a mission mission mission with the portfolio! I am going to say that the thing will be done before my birthday. WE will see if I can do that and when I say before I mean signed sealed and delivered and out of this house off of this chair for good. I feel like the whole thing for school is really in gods hands whatever he wants for me will be with that and I guess I have to have that attitude with this too! I have no idea what I will do with myself when both of these huge tasks are done with in my life. Hey did you ever go away? Are you still at home. I am the worse friend in the world.
WEll my condo is coming out so good. I am going to go there tonight and take pics because this is nuts you need to see them. I will take pictures of everything tonight for sure and post it here.
I love you always and will always be here for you even though it sure as hell seems like I fell off the planet. You will never be replaced....

ANyway today I did really good with my eating so far of course last night I fell off the deep end and ate like shit. I made this really good pasta with Cheese and veggies and I had no business making it but you know what I did and it was heavenly so at night when I was all alone in my room I got hungry and what do you think I went down to get you got it macaroni.....so bad so bad.....
Today was good though and I know I am not going to have lost any weight this week at weight watchers between the stupid thing I did last night and the friggin night bird and I went to the movies yeah really bad.
Guess what on Feb 16th I am taking bird to see breaking benjamins and three days grace at the casino. I think it will be so much fun! I hope I lose 5 more pounds by then lol. It is so hard to think of any of these pounds as loses too because I was 153 when you came down and I cant start really losing again before I am below that. Or that is what it feels like anyway.
I sent out my grad school application! I am on a mission mission mission with the portfolio! I am going to say that the thing will be done before my birthday. WE will see if I can do that and when I say before I mean signed sealed and delivered and out of this house off of this chair for good. I feel like the whole thing for school is really in gods hands whatever he wants for me will be with that and I guess I have to have that attitude with this too! I have no idea what I will do with myself when both of these huge tasks are done with in my life. Hey did you ever go away? Are you still at home. I am the worse friend in the world.
WEll my condo is coming out so good. I am going to go there tonight and take pics because this is nuts you need to see them. I will take pictures of everything tonight for sure and post it here.
I love you always and will always be here for you even though it sure as hell seems like I fell off the planet. You will never be replaced....

12:37 PM

Monday, January 18, 2010
hey Jenn...Miss you....
So I am doing good with weight watchers. I blasted threw all my extra points this week and probally more because I took Darren to the movies and we ate candy and nachos. Not good but oh I am not sure if it will hurt me as long as I do good for the rest of the week you know. I hope you are doing well too. I wrote my letter to southern and I am just fine tuning it now. So if you get a chance read it over.
How are you? I miss you.
Things are crazy right now but tommorrow I plan to send out all this SCSU stuff and then its moving on to the portfolio. Once that is down I will feel so much better.
Love you chicke....
How are you? I miss you.
Things are crazy right now but tommorrow I plan to send out all this SCSU stuff and then its moving on to the portfolio. Once that is down I will feel so much better.
Love you chicke....
8:27 PM

let me know what you think....
As a little girl I wrote a letter to Santa that was posted in the New Haven Register amidst all the other children that wrote in. The letters spoke of goodies and toys that children dreamed of at night, all but my own. In my letter I asked Santa to help my mom with money and give my toys to the children that were poor and had none. My mother saved that newspaper and was so proud of the clear differences between mine and all the others. Even as a young child I saw the world and its inequalities. I looked to make changes for those who I could help and give to those who did not have. One person that needed my help greatly was my mother herself. My mother had epilepsy and bipolar disorder. The symptoms of my mother’s illnesses were under control however several times a year she would have “spells”. I learned to care for my younger siblings and to ask for help from those adults in my life that I trusted. I would never forget how important those adults were to me. The counselors and social workers that I knew at school could listen to the challenges I faced at home and supported me when I cried. Patsy, Susan, and Ann my counselors that helped me saw that I wanted to make something of myself. I started taking classes in high school that furthered my knowledge of the helping professions. I took psychology, multiculturalism, sociology, and child development and through these courses I realized I belonged in the helping field.
The years after high school were very busy for me. I had a child at a young age and struggled to keep our family out of poverty. I still maintained the ownership over my mother’s well being. Counting her pills and attending Doctors visits were part of my everyday life. I was asked several times if what I was studying in school was medicine due to the fact that my knowledge of my mother’s plan of care was so precise. I see these tasks in my young life as preparing me for case management. I learned the details of my mother’s care and maintained it quite well but the medications took their toll on my mother’s health and shortly after I graduated from Southern Connecticut State University my mother passed away in her sleep. I do not remember much after her death but that it hurt more than I could have ever imagined a person could hurt. I did not think that I could ever move on in my life for I’d lost someone that was part of the fiber of my being. At my mother’s funeral I sat in front getting hugs and kisses from people saying they were “sorry for my loss” and “knew that God had a plan”. In their words I felt no ease from the pain. My eyes were dry with the loss of tears from the days that just past and my knees were weak. Then I saw them. Patsy, Ann, and Susan were there. It had been years since I last saw them and here they were for me again. I sat with them and felt their love as they held my hand in silence. I turned to my grandmother and told her “These are the women that made me who I am, who helped me finish school and get to grow into the woman I am”. I remember as Patsy hugged me she said to me “the only one you have to thank is yourself for you did it all yourself.” I can remember the importance of them being there for me that day. The fact that these women were there affirmed for me that you can have people in your life that are there to support you when you are facing challenges that do not want anything back in return.
It took a few years for me to see it but the truth is that I am aware that this is a place I have come to in my life because of my hard work and determination. I have recovered from the loss of my mother and focused on myself and my family. I was not afraid to seek help in my healing and grief. One steady place for me to be supported has been my occupation. I work with a team of professionals that have guided me and taught me so much. As my abilities have strengthened my career has blossomed and I am helping families in need. In my position at Kidsteps Birth to three, I focus on education within families with a child showing a delay in any developmental area. My role in an Early Intervention Associate is not limited to just the education of the child but rather the wellbeing of the family. I help families gain access to the system and what can help them maintain their basic needs. I have filled out welfare forms with clients whom cannot read them on their own or reach out and ask for help when they were in abusive situations. Working with social workers within the home has helped me to learn what it is like to use what I have studied in classrooms out in the field. I hope to become a resource someday to others as they look to assist their clients. I want nothing more than to further my education so that I can make a dent in the world and help someone else. I know that I cannot fix it all but if I can project the gentle caring that my counselors did for me onto others in need then that will be enough. In my pursuit of my Masters in Social work I hope to learn strong strategies of intervention, the manner in which the social service system works and how to help clients obtain services to meet their needs. I would like to study cultural differences, behavioral patterns, and the hardships that different races and classes of people deal with. Learning about the differences in cultures can help me to intervene with these families who are in crisis while respecting their cultural beliefs. I want my children to look at me and see the importance of education and pursuing your dreams. My dream is to be in my own office with a client in tears who needs direction and helping that client find their way out and into the life they can have as those in my life have done for me. The rewards that I get from helping those in need are intrinsic and have no monetary number. I recently transitioned a family into the public school system and as I left her house for the last time she looked at me with tears in her eyes and said to me that I need to push forward and go on with my education. She said that she “looks at me with her child and sees the interaction not as work but as an Art”. I am looking to fine tune my artistic ability.
The years after high school were very busy for me. I had a child at a young age and struggled to keep our family out of poverty. I still maintained the ownership over my mother’s well being. Counting her pills and attending Doctors visits were part of my everyday life. I was asked several times if what I was studying in school was medicine due to the fact that my knowledge of my mother’s plan of care was so precise. I see these tasks in my young life as preparing me for case management. I learned the details of my mother’s care and maintained it quite well but the medications took their toll on my mother’s health and shortly after I graduated from Southern Connecticut State University my mother passed away in her sleep. I do not remember much after her death but that it hurt more than I could have ever imagined a person could hurt. I did not think that I could ever move on in my life for I’d lost someone that was part of the fiber of my being. At my mother’s funeral I sat in front getting hugs and kisses from people saying they were “sorry for my loss” and “knew that God had a plan”. In their words I felt no ease from the pain. My eyes were dry with the loss of tears from the days that just past and my knees were weak. Then I saw them. Patsy, Ann, and Susan were there. It had been years since I last saw them and here they were for me again. I sat with them and felt their love as they held my hand in silence. I turned to my grandmother and told her “These are the women that made me who I am, who helped me finish school and get to grow into the woman I am”. I remember as Patsy hugged me she said to me “the only one you have to thank is yourself for you did it all yourself.” I can remember the importance of them being there for me that day. The fact that these women were there affirmed for me that you can have people in your life that are there to support you when you are facing challenges that do not want anything back in return.
It took a few years for me to see it but the truth is that I am aware that this is a place I have come to in my life because of my hard work and determination. I have recovered from the loss of my mother and focused on myself and my family. I was not afraid to seek help in my healing and grief. One steady place for me to be supported has been my occupation. I work with a team of professionals that have guided me and taught me so much. As my abilities have strengthened my career has blossomed and I am helping families in need. In my position at Kidsteps Birth to three, I focus on education within families with a child showing a delay in any developmental area. My role in an Early Intervention Associate is not limited to just the education of the child but rather the wellbeing of the family. I help families gain access to the system and what can help them maintain their basic needs. I have filled out welfare forms with clients whom cannot read them on their own or reach out and ask for help when they were in abusive situations. Working with social workers within the home has helped me to learn what it is like to use what I have studied in classrooms out in the field. I hope to become a resource someday to others as they look to assist their clients. I want nothing more than to further my education so that I can make a dent in the world and help someone else. I know that I cannot fix it all but if I can project the gentle caring that my counselors did for me onto others in need then that will be enough. In my pursuit of my Masters in Social work I hope to learn strong strategies of intervention, the manner in which the social service system works and how to help clients obtain services to meet their needs. I would like to study cultural differences, behavioral patterns, and the hardships that different races and classes of people deal with. Learning about the differences in cultures can help me to intervene with these families who are in crisis while respecting their cultural beliefs. I want my children to look at me and see the importance of education and pursuing your dreams. My dream is to be in my own office with a client in tears who needs direction and helping that client find their way out and into the life they can have as those in my life have done for me. The rewards that I get from helping those in need are intrinsic and have no monetary number. I recently transitioned a family into the public school system and as I left her house for the last time she looked at me with tears in her eyes and said to me that I need to push forward and go on with my education. She said that she “looks at me with her child and sees the interaction not as work but as an Art”. I am looking to fine tune my artistic ability.
1:13 PM

Saturday, January 16, 2010
part 2
hey read the other one first k?
She went back to sleep so I will take this moment to talk a bit more with you rather than work on what I should work on grr. I am gonna tell you the code to the weight watchers thing so you can look at it. The user name is the first par of my email address ending with the 4 and then add a 9 to that. Got it? And the password is my daughters full first name.
I hope you can get that down and then take the time to use the site for reciepts and what have you. It seems like a good tool but very similar to spark people. I think that if you join weight watchers soon it would be nice to work together but even if you didnt we always have it here!
Anyway. Tommorrow I have a date lined up with bird! We are going to the movies! And I am bringing fat free popcorn I dont care what they say! It will be hidden. lol. We are going to see the chipmunks and Heather is babysitting so we are going for sure!
Gab says bless you too! It is so cute that they are both doing that. She is funny she will say it over and over until you say thank you just to make sure you heard it. Her favorite thing to do lately is play with playdough. She loves it. She likes it when we read to her too but I feel bad we dont do it as often as we should. I read to darren ALL the time when he was little. But Gab is more a mover and a shaker than bird and so she is more into that type of stuff. She can walk up and down the stairs a thousand times by herself but I dont let her and she can run so fast that I have to run to catch her. I sware she is so light because of all the running that she does!
Yesterday I went to the Dr and I am doing well. My heart is healthy thank god. Gab is up now so I am going to go tend to her and get going to my grams you know she hates waiting for me and it is almost 4 already.
TALk to you laters.
She went back to sleep so I will take this moment to talk a bit more with you rather than work on what I should work on grr. I am gonna tell you the code to the weight watchers thing so you can look at it. The user name is the first par of my email address ending with the 4 and then add a 9 to that. Got it? And the password is my daughters full first name.
I hope you can get that down and then take the time to use the site for reciepts and what have you. It seems like a good tool but very similar to spark people. I think that if you join weight watchers soon it would be nice to work together but even if you didnt we always have it here!
Anyway. Tommorrow I have a date lined up with bird! We are going to the movies! And I am bringing fat free popcorn I dont care what they say! It will be hidden. lol. We are going to see the chipmunks and Heather is babysitting so we are going for sure!
Gab says bless you too! It is so cute that they are both doing that. She is funny she will say it over and over until you say thank you just to make sure you heard it. Her favorite thing to do lately is play with playdough. She loves it. She likes it when we read to her too but I feel bad we dont do it as often as we should. I read to darren ALL the time when he was little. But Gab is more a mover and a shaker than bird and so she is more into that type of stuff. She can walk up and down the stairs a thousand times by herself but I dont let her and she can run so fast that I have to run to catch her. I sware she is so light because of all the running that she does!
Yesterday I went to the Dr and I am doing well. My heart is healthy thank god. Gab is up now so I am going to go tend to her and get going to my grams you know she hates waiting for me and it is almost 4 already.
TALk to you laters.
1:30 PM

hey you
SO I lost 4.6 pounds this week! And according to weigh watchers I weigh 160.6. That is at night with all my clothes on so at home I am getting better numbers of course. Since there is no winter attire and no food in my belly but to be fair I am going to say that I am what weigh watchers says I am which is 160.6.
So I have been following the plan and trying really hard to stay within my points. It is going well and I am hoping for the best.
I cannot believe that you might get postponed again for the schooling. I really hope they figure it out for you so that it can be over and done with ASAP. For you and your team members that are waiting as well.
We have been in the house most of today so hanging around. Seeing as it is cold out but today it was sunny so I did throw gab in the stroller and take a twenty minute walk until she was cold and then we retired. Something was better than nothing and it was the first time it was not bitter cold out and I wanted her to get some sun! I cant wait until we live in the cleaner neighborhood where the air truly is fresh. There is really great news too about where I live there is a gym that is down the street that is open 24 hours m to Th. I am telling you I could walk there if I choose to! I am so going there all the time!
Everyone has finished their part for my grad application. My boss and the director of all of sarah both very busy people have done their part. I have to use tonight and tommorrow to finish my part and then print it all out on Monday and drive it down there myself on tuesday or wednesday. I want to be sure they have all they need before the deadline a week from this monday.
I am sorry that the books were alot that stinks. I know how that feels for sure.
My gram wants us to come over so as soon as little miss gets up we are going.
THat is so cute all the fun stuff that Caleb is doing. I need to take some time to tell you about my girl but right now she is getting up so it will have to wait.
Talk to you soon.
So I have been following the plan and trying really hard to stay within my points. It is going well and I am hoping for the best.
I cannot believe that you might get postponed again for the schooling. I really hope they figure it out for you so that it can be over and done with ASAP. For you and your team members that are waiting as well.
We have been in the house most of today so hanging around. Seeing as it is cold out but today it was sunny so I did throw gab in the stroller and take a twenty minute walk until she was cold and then we retired. Something was better than nothing and it was the first time it was not bitter cold out and I wanted her to get some sun! I cant wait until we live in the cleaner neighborhood where the air truly is fresh. There is really great news too about where I live there is a gym that is down the street that is open 24 hours m to Th. I am telling you I could walk there if I choose to! I am so going there all the time!
Everyone has finished their part for my grad application. My boss and the director of all of sarah both very busy people have done their part. I have to use tonight and tommorrow to finish my part and then print it all out on Monday and drive it down there myself on tuesday or wednesday. I want to be sure they have all they need before the deadline a week from this monday.
I am sorry that the books were alot that stinks. I know how that feels for sure.
My gram wants us to come over so as soon as little miss gets up we are going.
THat is so cute all the fun stuff that Caleb is doing. I need to take some time to tell you about my girl but right now she is getting up so it will have to wait.
Talk to you soon.
12:59 PM

Thursday, January 14, 2010
Speaking of busy
Hey grlie, thank you so much for getting back to me! I feel MUCH better now that I have heard from you. I know that you are busy, I just get insecure from time to time. I am really glad to hear that I motivate you even when we don't talk much. I know that I am doing good then!
You absolutely do have to get going on those two huge projects. They are a BIG part of the rest of your life! You can do it. I think that going to the library and just getting it all done is a fantastic idea. It's quiet and you have an almost unlimited number of resources around you in case you were to need them.
I hope that tonight goes well for you. I really do hope that you have lost some weight! I am not even going to weigh myself right now, I have my montly visitor and that alwasy packs on weight, not to mention inches thanks to the water retention. So I will post next week how I am doing. I have been bad once this week for sure (we went to Chilis) and then tomorrow is Autumns birthday, so we are taking her to Applebees. I will do my best to either a) eat really well during the day and be kind of bad at night or b) eat really well during the day and indulge in a salad when we get there. Pray that I can do good!
Sorry to hear that Gab is so hard to get down at night. I know it must be a pain. Thanks for the complements on Caleb. He is for sure a good boy. He LOVES to read. He can read the same book 15 times and still ask for more. He prefers to read rather than watch t.v. or play. But I just see it as him retaining a lot of information for future use. He may not be able to verablize everything in that little head of his (although he does a REALLY good job), but one day he is going to! I feel bad when I get upset with for bugging me about reading...there are times like when I am eating or trying to clean up that he runs behind me crying "Please?" I just feel really guilty.
He's sleeping right now. He's been down for about 45 minutes and I hope he sleeps another hour or so. It was so cute this morning I sneezed and he told me "Bless you" and then I told him I loved him and he told me it back. For the most part it is really clear when he says something too, I mean he has a couple of problems with some conjunctions and linkage but for the most part he is understandable. In the past couple of days I have noticed that he is putting two or more words together. For a while now he has certain sentences that he says, but there are more about to come.
So, moving on, you want to hear something terrible? I get a call from my boss yesterday stating that I needed to go and do ANOTHER set of fingerprints for the academy because the FBI rejected them. Jenny wanted to overnight them, but they got there too late and the post office wouldn't guarantee that they would make it to Santa Fe in time. So, there is a chance that I will not be going to academy on the 24th. The state takes a furlough day on Friday and then Monday is a holiday, and the FBI needed the fingerprints by today at 5 in order to make a decision to accept them or not. If I don't get into this class, I think the next class is in March. Now, for clarification it wasn't just my prints they rejected, they rejected all 3 of ours.
I am so exhausted right now, I cleaned my living room from top to bottom and wall to wall today (minus the entertainment stand area because it is too heavy). I have done like 5 or 6 loads of laundry. I am just pooped.
HA! I need to tell you that I had my books for school and Autumns gift delivered today by UPS and when the guy rang the doorbell he said "Pizzie!" (He can't say Pizza). Now Crys, we have only ordered pizza here to the house maybe 3 times in 2 years. He's a smart little booger, let me tell you. He loves to do laundry with me. I hand him the clothes out of the washer and he puts them in the dryer, closes the door, and pushes the start button! Hopefully this stays with him as he gets older.
Well, it is official, classes started for me today. I am taking only 3 but one is a statistics course where I have to use SPSS software. I am not looking forward to this at all. I have 5 books for 3 classes...that cost $259.00. Gosh, school is so expensive.
Alrighty girl, I want to sit and relax for a bit. Caleb should/could be getting up at any time from now out to an hour.
I will talk to you soon.
Love and miss you lots,
You absolutely do have to get going on those two huge projects. They are a BIG part of the rest of your life! You can do it. I think that going to the library and just getting it all done is a fantastic idea. It's quiet and you have an almost unlimited number of resources around you in case you were to need them.
I hope that tonight goes well for you. I really do hope that you have lost some weight! I am not even going to weigh myself right now, I have my montly visitor and that alwasy packs on weight, not to mention inches thanks to the water retention. So I will post next week how I am doing. I have been bad once this week for sure (we went to Chilis) and then tomorrow is Autumns birthday, so we are taking her to Applebees. I will do my best to either a) eat really well during the day and be kind of bad at night or b) eat really well during the day and indulge in a salad when we get there. Pray that I can do good!
Sorry to hear that Gab is so hard to get down at night. I know it must be a pain. Thanks for the complements on Caleb. He is for sure a good boy. He LOVES to read. He can read the same book 15 times and still ask for more. He prefers to read rather than watch t.v. or play. But I just see it as him retaining a lot of information for future use. He may not be able to verablize everything in that little head of his (although he does a REALLY good job), but one day he is going to! I feel bad when I get upset with for bugging me about reading...there are times like when I am eating or trying to clean up that he runs behind me crying "Please?" I just feel really guilty.
He's sleeping right now. He's been down for about 45 minutes and I hope he sleeps another hour or so. It was so cute this morning I sneezed and he told me "Bless you" and then I told him I loved him and he told me it back. For the most part it is really clear when he says something too, I mean he has a couple of problems with some conjunctions and linkage but for the most part he is understandable. In the past couple of days I have noticed that he is putting two or more words together. For a while now he has certain sentences that he says, but there are more about to come.
So, moving on, you want to hear something terrible? I get a call from my boss yesterday stating that I needed to go and do ANOTHER set of fingerprints for the academy because the FBI rejected them. Jenny wanted to overnight them, but they got there too late and the post office wouldn't guarantee that they would make it to Santa Fe in time. So, there is a chance that I will not be going to academy on the 24th. The state takes a furlough day on Friday and then Monday is a holiday, and the FBI needed the fingerprints by today at 5 in order to make a decision to accept them or not. If I don't get into this class, I think the next class is in March. Now, for clarification it wasn't just my prints they rejected, they rejected all 3 of ours.
I am so exhausted right now, I cleaned my living room from top to bottom and wall to wall today (minus the entertainment stand area because it is too heavy). I have done like 5 or 6 loads of laundry. I am just pooped.
HA! I need to tell you that I had my books for school and Autumns gift delivered today by UPS and when the guy rang the doorbell he said "Pizzie!" (He can't say Pizza). Now Crys, we have only ordered pizza here to the house maybe 3 times in 2 years. He's a smart little booger, let me tell you. He loves to do laundry with me. I hand him the clothes out of the washer and he puts them in the dryer, closes the door, and pushes the start button! Hopefully this stays with him as he gets older.
Well, it is official, classes started for me today. I am taking only 3 but one is a statistics course where I have to use SPSS software. I am not looking forward to this at all. I have 5 books for 3 classes...that cost $259.00. Gosh, school is so expensive.
Alrighty girl, I want to sit and relax for a bit. Caleb should/could be getting up at any time from now out to an hour.
I will talk to you soon.
Love and miss you lots,
12:55 PM

busy busy busy...
Hey Jenn.
So sorry that I have not posted. Grr I really mean to get on the computer. I am so tired at night and getting gab down has been a real big challenge because there is no real routine now with the bedroom being such a joke right now. So I am just so beat by the time I get her down that I dont even take out the computer.
I hope you got my text. The pics you sent me were so cute. Caleb is almost as long as you and boy does he look good with his mama! You are doing a great job getting him grown up! Big man.
Gab is still a peanut but she sure has a personally. And Darren is growing like a weed. he is so close to being as tall as me it is not even funny! I have to leave to get him shortly at school. This him not taking the bus has been hard on me but easy on him for sure.
I am so sorry that you have been feeling lonely. I am being a bad friend. I have to get my shit to together. I feel like there is not enough time in the day. I am really trying to do quite a few things right now. My diet is going well but I am writing everything down and it is taking some of my energy for sure! But it is working and I think that tonight when I go to weigh in I will see some results. I sure hope that is what happens. And I feel better because I am eating better. You motivate me :). Even when you dont know it.
I really love you and miss you I need you to know that and I want to talk to you all the time. I dont know what happened I think that I am just so wrapped up in Bs of life. I am trying really hard to do two more things over the next few weeks,l one is finish my application to grad school and I am being a slug about it. I have to wait for one more letter from my boss and I have all the other pieces from other people and transcripts what have you but I need to sit down and do my resume and my letter to the grad program then I am done. I have a goal of next wed then I am going to drive it all down there. THe next thing that I need to get done after that is my portfolio. It is really a project! I am so close but I have to just take the time to do it. I am thinking of taking a personal day and going to the library and taking over a table there and just doing the whole thing and getting it done! I need to girl!
Okay I will talk to you more later but I really have to go pee and gab is getting up in a few. LOve you miss you more than I can say.
So sorry that I have not posted. Grr I really mean to get on the computer. I am so tired at night and getting gab down has been a real big challenge because there is no real routine now with the bedroom being such a joke right now. So I am just so beat by the time I get her down that I dont even take out the computer.
I hope you got my text. The pics you sent me were so cute. Caleb is almost as long as you and boy does he look good with his mama! You are doing a great job getting him grown up! Big man.
Gab is still a peanut but she sure has a personally. And Darren is growing like a weed. he is so close to being as tall as me it is not even funny! I have to leave to get him shortly at school. This him not taking the bus has been hard on me but easy on him for sure.
I am so sorry that you have been feeling lonely. I am being a bad friend. I have to get my shit to together. I feel like there is not enough time in the day. I am really trying to do quite a few things right now. My diet is going well but I am writing everything down and it is taking some of my energy for sure! But it is working and I think that tonight when I go to weigh in I will see some results. I sure hope that is what happens. And I feel better because I am eating better. You motivate me :). Even when you dont know it.
I really love you and miss you I need you to know that and I want to talk to you all the time. I dont know what happened I think that I am just so wrapped up in Bs of life. I am trying really hard to do two more things over the next few weeks,l one is finish my application to grad school and I am being a slug about it. I have to wait for one more letter from my boss and I have all the other pieces from other people and transcripts what have you but I need to sit down and do my resume and my letter to the grad program then I am done. I have a goal of next wed then I am going to drive it all down there. THe next thing that I need to get done after that is my portfolio. It is really a project! I am so close but I have to just take the time to do it. I am thinking of taking a personal day and going to the library and taking over a table there and just doing the whole thing and getting it done! I need to girl!
Okay I will talk to you more later but I really have to go pee and gab is getting up in a few. LOve you miss you more than I can say.
12:21 PM

Sunday, January 10, 2010
Something to consider
Hey girlie, it was really nice talking to you today. Although I am grateful for the time we did have, I am being selfish and am sad we didn't have more time to talk. I have really been missing you lately, I feel really alone. Jeff and I are doing really well, but there are things that I can talk easily to you about and you make so much sense. It just seems that we each are so wrapped up in our own lives, that we tend to forget to make the time to talk to each other. I know I have said it before and you have quelled it, but I really feel like I am losing or have lost you. I know that I am being selfish and need to be grateful that I even have you in my life at all, some people are not so lucky as to have you in theirs.
Moving on. I am going to try really hard to do the whole New Testament in 30 days that Aimee is doing on her blog. I know you don't agree with the whole blog thing she did in the beginning, but I just read the first reading and it made so much sense to me on a couple of different levels. It is just something I think you should consider. I know that getting out to church is difficult for you due to the condo, the weather, and sometimes getting the kids ready to go in the morning. This way you would still have a daily lesson.
I am proud of you on all the different levels you discussed earlier. Maybe I am not being a good friend by not remembering everything, but regardless I still think you are an amazing person. You do so well in all that you do. CONGRATULATIONS on the raise, that will definitely be a plus. By the way, how much longer do you have to go on your portfolio for that HUGE raise you would get? I hope that it is coming along well for you.
Thanks for wanting to share the code with me, that will be very nice! I was looking for some recipe the other day, and actually found a WW cookbook! I was so excited, I am going to be going through it in a little to start making plans for some of the meals. But, I will also get on the program as soon as I can.
Alrighty girl, Caleb is demanding I read to him, and I have put him off long enough. So, I will talk to you soon.
Love ya,
Moving on. I am going to try really hard to do the whole New Testament in 30 days that Aimee is doing on her blog. I know you don't agree with the whole blog thing she did in the beginning, but I just read the first reading and it made so much sense to me on a couple of different levels. It is just something I think you should consider. I know that getting out to church is difficult for you due to the condo, the weather, and sometimes getting the kids ready to go in the morning. This way you would still have a daily lesson.
I am proud of you on all the different levels you discussed earlier. Maybe I am not being a good friend by not remembering everything, but regardless I still think you are an amazing person. You do so well in all that you do. CONGRATULATIONS on the raise, that will definitely be a plus. By the way, how much longer do you have to go on your portfolio for that HUGE raise you would get? I hope that it is coming along well for you.
Thanks for wanting to share the code with me, that will be very nice! I was looking for some recipe the other day, and actually found a WW cookbook! I was so excited, I am going to be going through it in a little to start making plans for some of the meals. But, I will also get on the program as soon as I can.
Alrighty girl, Caleb is demanding I read to him, and I have put him off long enough. So, I will talk to you soon.
Love ya,
5:26 PM

I am not sure what happened but please read the other one first then this one thank god the blog saves drafts because I almost just lost all that stuff that I just typed out! Grr.
Okay so I was telling you that I pulled bird off the bus. It has made things very hard because now I have to take him to school and pick him up. I have had to find all different people to help piece it together until we move at which time I will drive him in for the first few days but then after he knows some of the kids that will be on that bus with him I will have him put on the bus. Gee it will make life easier to have him getting on and off the bus right where we live. Becuase it is a rare day that I am still at work at 3:30 which is about the time that the bus will be rolling in. I just hope that Darren makes friends he is a great kid and I really get angry that this little kid has made him feel so down. jerk.
What esle? Oh I weighed in at weight watchers for the first time last week and I was 165. I had all my clothing on and it was winter clothes but no jacket and I had no shoes. I also weighed in at night. So I am guessing that had I weighed in in the morning I would have been about 162. I really think that for me it would have made the difference but whatever. It is what it is. I am really hoping that I can follow the plan! Hey whenever they send me my code to use the online service which is sopposed to be great I will share with you the code. Maybe if you cannot swing the cost until next check at least you can look at their site.
When do you have to leave for the training? I know you must be excited/scared for that to come up and then be over!
I am getting a raise for my job! WE GOT a letter saying that there would be a merit based increase in our Jan 29th checks! I cant wait to see what it is! I am hoping for 75 cents because the last raise I got two years ago lol was 68 cents. It was three years ago almost now! So pray for the three quarters! I am not taking a class this semester becuase there is far to much going on but I am still applying to grad school for fall of 2010. I am not sure if I will get in because I only got a B plus and I needed an A minus to add the benefit to the application whatever. I did the best I could with what I had. The way I look at it is I will apply, take this semester to finish this portfolio and focus on work because I told you thinks are going on there and once I get that in then there will be a better rate of pay for me after all that hard work! And then I will just look to see what the school says. If I get in great if not I will take one class again and work hard. By that time maybe i will get in.
K gotta go.
Love ya
Okay so I was telling you that I pulled bird off the bus. It has made things very hard because now I have to take him to school and pick him up. I have had to find all different people to help piece it together until we move at which time I will drive him in for the first few days but then after he knows some of the kids that will be on that bus with him I will have him put on the bus. Gee it will make life easier to have him getting on and off the bus right where we live. Becuase it is a rare day that I am still at work at 3:30 which is about the time that the bus will be rolling in. I just hope that Darren makes friends he is a great kid and I really get angry that this little kid has made him feel so down. jerk.
What esle? Oh I weighed in at weight watchers for the first time last week and I was 165. I had all my clothing on and it was winter clothes but no jacket and I had no shoes. I also weighed in at night. So I am guessing that had I weighed in in the morning I would have been about 162. I really think that for me it would have made the difference but whatever. It is what it is. I am really hoping that I can follow the plan! Hey whenever they send me my code to use the online service which is sopposed to be great I will share with you the code. Maybe if you cannot swing the cost until next check at least you can look at their site.
When do you have to leave for the training? I know you must be excited/scared for that to come up and then be over!
I am getting a raise for my job! WE GOT a letter saying that there would be a merit based increase in our Jan 29th checks! I cant wait to see what it is! I am hoping for 75 cents because the last raise I got two years ago lol was 68 cents. It was three years ago almost now! So pray for the three quarters! I am not taking a class this semester becuase there is far to much going on but I am still applying to grad school for fall of 2010. I am not sure if I will get in because I only got a B plus and I needed an A minus to add the benefit to the application whatever. I did the best I could with what I had. The way I look at it is I will apply, take this semester to finish this portfolio and focus on work because I told you thinks are going on there and once I get that in then there will be a better rate of pay for me after all that hard work! And then I will just look to see what the school says. If I get in great if not I will take one class again and work hard. By that time maybe i will get in.
K gotta go.
Love ya
12:24 PM

Hey Congrats on all the things that you are doing because it looks really good! You are down some inches and that means something is happening and I bet you are down pounds already too but dont rush to find that out if you are not ready because I think that you dont need the number to show the success when you have the inches already! Oh and congrats on your eating too it looks really good. I tell you that I think that you shouls join weight watchers when you get a chance. I went last week and I feel really good about what is happening., I am tracking what I have eaten bite for bite. I am really trying to get in healthy things and watch for cravings and eating at night meals which was what I was doing there for a while and it was really bad.
SO JUST so you know I am so sorry that we have not talked. I have not done anything. It is so cold here that I cring at going out. I got your text that you were at nine. Today we were at zero. I know that you know my pain. It is even winter in places in the us that never have winter. They are worried about the zoo animals! The cold sucks! Jenn I just realized that I have not been to church in ages. It is so bad. I think that I am going to try my best to go back as soon as the condo is calmed down.
Right now I am a single mom so to speak because John is at the condo ALLLLLL DAY LONG! HE gets home at like 9 each night and passes out. It is easy to see he is not used to all this work. But it is finally coming along. It was a nightmare. The carpets were glued to the padding which was glued to the floor. It was insane and took a full week to have the carpets removed. My brother was over there every day after school until nine helping John. It was a job from hell. but that part is done and I stopped over there today and the painter is really moving along. The living room and the halls and kitchen are a tan color, gabs room is purple! , birds is blue grayish, ours is green a very gentle green, and the ceilings are white. I am still not sure what we are doing in the bathrooms but we are going to have to figure that out probally by tuesday because the painter is really moving along. He has all the ceilings done and is starting the main house color. I cant wait to see it and show it to you when it is done. I did not take enough before pics! But bird has video on the ipod lol if I can figure out how to transfer in to online I will!
Oh by the way we sold our bedroom set that we had now and gab and I are sleeping on the floor on a twin mattress. I think it goes without saying that we are not all that comfortable.
My gram was in the hospital again all week and she is out now but she is really mad. SHe is so angry at my uncle george and their family for not coming around or calling her that much at the hospital or coming to pick her up when she needed a ride home. I get it but she is just being really stubborn. They call all day and she ignores the calls. I dont know. She got really mad because she asked my uncle for a ride home from the hospital and he told her it depends what time and she was pissed because she wanted him to just get the time off from work and get her. But I guess seeing that my uncle is a sargent he probally figured why should I take time of from work when there are other people that can get her meaning me or my other uncle that doesnt work. The two uncles hate each other but uncle david doesnt know that uncle george hates him as much as he does becuase george just decided to pretend david died but never told him that was what he was doing. So David thinks everything is fine but that is a four hour conversation. My gram thinks that my uncle just depends on me to do everything and that is fine but I dont know jenn I dont know she is so angry. I said arent you making yourself feel more alone but cutting people out but she says she is right and I am wrong for even trying to look at from another light so I gave up. So that has been my family drama but good god girl that story with the uncles has so much more to it but I can t write it here being the public exsistence of a blog so we will chat about that on the phone.
And my bird boy grew over night! He is about 2 inches below me I am telling you it is like all the sudden he is huge! Just in time to turn nine which is in just a few weeks the 30th! But he has been having a rough time at school. The kid that he was friends with all last year is picking on him and I dont know why but it is really hurting bird and I hate the kid. He is a little shithead. Darren wanted to be taken off the bus now seeing that he just wants it to stop aso I
12:00 PM

Thursday, January 7, 2010
Ho Hum
Hey, about the blog it actually defaulted back. I didn't change a thing! But I agree the pink is prettier.
Caleb is being difficult today in going down for his nap, he is about 2 hours late. I read to him, sang to him, laid with him and he just won't do it. To top it off he has a full belly. Hopefully he will be down in about 15-30 minutes, if not I will have a wholly terror on my hands by 2. He finds anything and everything he can do to keep himself awake. Can you see the terrible twos coming because I sure can.
I am going to join Weight Watchers as soon as I can. I don't think it will be this upcoming paycheck but I should be able to do it come the next one. We will see, Jeff may forward me the money! So, I will jump on the bandwagon with you. Although I haven't done too awfully bad this last week. I've only eaten "bad" two times. Once was at work, and in my defense we were setting up the command post and I didn't have anything I could bring that wouldn't sour without a fridge, but instead of ordering Mexican I ordered a club sandwich. Still a lot of calories but way less fat and cholesterol. Then last night Jeff and I were coming back with Caleb and Codey from Las Cruces and we stopped at Whataburger, and I got my normal burger with fries, but instead of a Dr. Pepper I got a tea, and I gave about 1/2 my fries to Caleb. So, not good, but I could've done worse with the Dr. Pepper. I am taking baby steps.
I have found that I really like these new 100 calorie fruit crisps from either Special K or Kelloggs. They are just like a pop-tart but they are way less calories. I put that in conjunction with some yogurt or fruit, and some hot tea, and it is really good, and under 300 calories for breakfast. I strongly suggest you look for them at stop-n-shop the next time you go shopping. I think they would be a great snack for you to have on hand, especially when you are working and driving between clients.
This is what I have eaten today:
B-1/2 everything bagel (150 Calories) with a very small amount of butter
S-1 bar of the Fruit Crisps (50 Calories)...Caleb decided he liked them and ate the other bar
L-Creamy chicken noodle soup made with whole wheat pasta, carrots, celery and onions.
I don't know how mnay calories are in the soup, but it is a diabetic recipe so I don't think that it could be too many...I'll guestimate at around 350. So far today that gives me 550 calories. I am thinking that I am going to have your infamous strawberries and milk for snack and then for dinner I am making turkey sausage with tomatoes, squash and zucchini, that may give me another 300 calories or so. If I do it right I will hit right around 1200 calories, which is my target. For the most part, this is how I have been doing. Of course I haven't had a chance to get back to the gym since the other day because we were on the road from 9 yesterday morning to 930 last night. But, I am going tomorrow, come hell or high water. I deserve it.
On an even more positive note, I had done some measurements last week and when I measured yesterday just for the hell of it, my hips were down 1" and my waist was down 2" already. I haven't taken my weight yet, but I will probably have to do that in the morning before work, because as you can see I've already eaten for today.
Oh, real fast back to the soup. I know that a couple of months ago you were saying how Gab is a carnivore, well Caleb not so much. When I fixed him his bowl of soup today, he ate a little bit of the pasta, but he purposefully moved the pasta and the chicken to get to the carrots and celery. Can you believe it? He won't eat a hamburger or chicken nuggets when we get it for him. And he won't drink milk, unless it is chocolate. So, I compromise and give him the chocolate milk, but only one glass a day, when we have it. I think that in conjunction with the yogurt and string cheese he eats, he should be getting a good portion of his calcium and stuff that he needs.
I am so excieted about school starting, but at the same time I am nervous. I mean I leave town the 24th of January and come back the 13th of February, maybe the night of the twelfth. School is hard enough when I am not out of town, it is going to be a major struggle the three weeks I am going to be gone. I keep telling myself though that I am almost done, this is the light at the end of the tunnel.
I don't know about you but I am having a lot of problems drinking water. I don't have a problem drinking cranberry juice (which I limit myself to 4-6oz a day) or even drinking tea. I just can't seem to swallow down enough water. I know that it is key for me, so why don't I just do it?
Alrighty girl, I have rambled enough. I look forward to seeing you on here more. If there is anyway that I can help you out in your journey, let me know. Love you always.
Caleb is being difficult today in going down for his nap, he is about 2 hours late. I read to him, sang to him, laid with him and he just won't do it. To top it off he has a full belly. Hopefully he will be down in about 15-30 minutes, if not I will have a wholly terror on my hands by 2. He finds anything and everything he can do to keep himself awake. Can you see the terrible twos coming because I sure can.
I am going to join Weight Watchers as soon as I can. I don't think it will be this upcoming paycheck but I should be able to do it come the next one. We will see, Jeff may forward me the money! So, I will jump on the bandwagon with you. Although I haven't done too awfully bad this last week. I've only eaten "bad" two times. Once was at work, and in my defense we were setting up the command post and I didn't have anything I could bring that wouldn't sour without a fridge, but instead of ordering Mexican I ordered a club sandwich. Still a lot of calories but way less fat and cholesterol. Then last night Jeff and I were coming back with Caleb and Codey from Las Cruces and we stopped at Whataburger, and I got my normal burger with fries, but instead of a Dr. Pepper I got a tea, and I gave about 1/2 my fries to Caleb. So, not good, but I could've done worse with the Dr. Pepper. I am taking baby steps.
I have found that I really like these new 100 calorie fruit crisps from either Special K or Kelloggs. They are just like a pop-tart but they are way less calories. I put that in conjunction with some yogurt or fruit, and some hot tea, and it is really good, and under 300 calories for breakfast. I strongly suggest you look for them at stop-n-shop the next time you go shopping. I think they would be a great snack for you to have on hand, especially when you are working and driving between clients.
This is what I have eaten today:
B-1/2 everything bagel (150 Calories) with a very small amount of butter
S-1 bar of the Fruit Crisps (50 Calories)...Caleb decided he liked them and ate the other bar
L-Creamy chicken noodle soup made with whole wheat pasta, carrots, celery and onions.
I don't know how mnay calories are in the soup, but it is a diabetic recipe so I don't think that it could be too many...I'll guestimate at around 350. So far today that gives me 550 calories. I am thinking that I am going to have your infamous strawberries and milk for snack and then for dinner I am making turkey sausage with tomatoes, squash and zucchini, that may give me another 300 calories or so. If I do it right I will hit right around 1200 calories, which is my target. For the most part, this is how I have been doing. Of course I haven't had a chance to get back to the gym since the other day because we were on the road from 9 yesterday morning to 930 last night. But, I am going tomorrow, come hell or high water. I deserve it.
On an even more positive note, I had done some measurements last week and when I measured yesterday just for the hell of it, my hips were down 1" and my waist was down 2" already. I haven't taken my weight yet, but I will probably have to do that in the morning before work, because as you can see I've already eaten for today.
Oh, real fast back to the soup. I know that a couple of months ago you were saying how Gab is a carnivore, well Caleb not so much. When I fixed him his bowl of soup today, he ate a little bit of the pasta, but he purposefully moved the pasta and the chicken to get to the carrots and celery. Can you believe it? He won't eat a hamburger or chicken nuggets when we get it for him. And he won't drink milk, unless it is chocolate. So, I compromise and give him the chocolate milk, but only one glass a day, when we have it. I think that in conjunction with the yogurt and string cheese he eats, he should be getting a good portion of his calcium and stuff that he needs.
I am so excieted about school starting, but at the same time I am nervous. I mean I leave town the 24th of January and come back the 13th of February, maybe the night of the twelfth. School is hard enough when I am not out of town, it is going to be a major struggle the three weeks I am going to be gone. I keep telling myself though that I am almost done, this is the light at the end of the tunnel.
I don't know about you but I am having a lot of problems drinking water. I don't have a problem drinking cranberry juice (which I limit myself to 4-6oz a day) or even drinking tea. I just can't seem to swallow down enough water. I know that it is key for me, so why don't I just do it?
Alrighty girl, I have rambled enough. I look forward to seeing you on here more. If there is anyway that I can help you out in your journey, let me know. Love you always.
11:42 AM

Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Pretty in Pink
I am going to bed but stopped here to see if there was anything and was happy to see the pink back! Love it!
I will be here alot soon so hang in there! Thursday is weight watchers come hell or high water!
I will be here alot soon so hang in there! Thursday is weight watchers come hell or high water!
9:41 PM

Saturday, January 2, 2010
Giving it another whirl
Hey! I've decided to try and give the whole eating healthy work out thing another whirl. It was difficult during the holidays and stuff, but now all that is passed and I don't have any excuses.
I had a honey wheat bagel with peanut butter for breakfast and am going to eat a salad for lunch. I have texted Jeff to see if by chance he would want grilled fish for dinner, in which I would make garlic broccoli and mushrooms and rice to go with it. We will see though, he hasn't gotten back to me yet.
I hope that you can get the motivation back for you to finish with that last 20 lbs. If you want, I can do weight watchers with you. I am using sparkpeople intermittently, but am hoping that I can get on it on a more consistent basis.
Gosh, I am so tired right now. I fell asleep around 800 or so last night and got up at 4, but I am beat. I didn't sleep too sound, I was awake at 11, 2, 3, and then up at 4, so I didn't rest. I have promised Autumn to play dance dance revolution with her when I get home today and I am looking forward to that a lot.
Alrighty girl, that is all I can think about. I really don't have anything to talk about, which is weird for me.
I had a honey wheat bagel with peanut butter for breakfast and am going to eat a salad for lunch. I have texted Jeff to see if by chance he would want grilled fish for dinner, in which I would make garlic broccoli and mushrooms and rice to go with it. We will see though, he hasn't gotten back to me yet.
I hope that you can get the motivation back for you to finish with that last 20 lbs. If you want, I can do weight watchers with you. I am using sparkpeople intermittently, but am hoping that I can get on it on a more consistent basis.
Gosh, I am so tired right now. I fell asleep around 800 or so last night and got up at 4, but I am beat. I didn't sleep too sound, I was awake at 11, 2, 3, and then up at 4, so I didn't rest. I have promised Autumn to play dance dance revolution with her when I get home today and I am looking forward to that a lot.
Alrighty girl, that is all I can think about. I really don't have anything to talk about, which is weird for me.
7:19 AM

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