Okay I have to post it here in the hopes that you will read it again and take it to heart. I am very worried about you. There are very bad side effects to what you are doing and the way that you are doing. My cousin got off the same thing with a drs help and it was months, yes months before she was all the way and she still had side effects. I think that she was a bit of a baby about dealing with them but that is neither here nor there....what I am worried about is YOU. I am telling you girl day three is nothing....DAY 5 6 7 that is when the real drama settles in and I dont think that you just taking the other one is going to do what you want it too. I am very very very very very very very very very very worried.
Did I say i am worried about you? Jeff if by chance you read this....Be worried. NOT GOOD!
Okay that is my trying to be your mommy.
Sorry and I hope you forgive me for sticking my nose in your bussiness!
Love ya!
That all being said I ate like crap. I know I have to start again but arg it is taking a long time to get my ass in gear. I did ok but then I had an ice cream cone. I have to get will power. I dont know where it went I had it. ! I did for real! Okay girlie, I love you lots but it is late and I stayed up watching HBO. I love it love it love it.
I am telling you, the shows are so much better than the crap we watch on tv.
K talk to you soon. LOve ya!