So, coincidentally we are 20 posts away from hitting 300 and you are 20 lbs away from getting to your goal weight. I hope you got my texts this morning, I think that it would be good for you to try them, but hey I'm biased! Their my ideas.
So today this is what I have/will eat:
B-Dry Frosted cheerios 1 cup
S-Yogurt and String cheese oh and a handful of honey roasted cashews (gave the rest of the bag away)!
L-Sesame chicken and rice from healthy request and a nectarine
S-Nectarine and another piece of string cheese
D-Hmmm...good question. Didn't take anything out.
Can you tell it is grocery shopping time again? The cupboards are bare.
Crys, also try going to and see if you can find the Losing it With Leanne. You can actually purchase (I know sounds silly) meal plans. I think it would take a big stress off, and besides these people are losing 3-7 pounds a week! Can you imagine...between 3 and 7 weeks you could be at your goal weight! How cool would that be?
So today I am having some terrible headaches. BUT, on the upside I am 5 days into this. So hopefully only about 9 to go. Almost 1/2 way there.
Alright I've just got handed something to do so I better do it. Maybe we can talk later. I am going to the gym around 5:30 my time so maybe we can talk between 3pm and5:30 my time.
Love ya girlie,