lose the rest of this weight....
I get really upset to think that I was on such a roll and now for like the last month and almost two months i have not lost a pound. It is so disheartening to think that I would be like 145 by now if I kept up the pace. My gramma told me that I was getting skinny today but then I get bummed because I know that I am not getting thinner it is just the clothes or the day. I also get down because the birth control does make me hold water and I know that for sure. So I am just under 160 again and it makes me sad.
Sorry to rant and rave and I should be in bed but I know that you are working and chances are that you might read this so I am posting. I dont know what made me think about this now but oh well. I guess it would be nice to be really thin in a wedding dress but whatever. I know at this weight I would look really good but I want to be thinner.
Do you think that we are gonna get to hang out one day? because I really hope that we do. I know that you are suffering with money and all that. I think that if I get in a better postion after the wedding that I will come and see you. I know that is a long time in the future but I dont want you to have it all on your shoulder like.... Ah we will get there someday huh?
I dont know I dont know.....
I will talk to you soon. I miss you alot and I really think that I am gonna join weight watchers for the rest of this weight. We will see.
Love ya