Crystal, I am soooo happy to have you back on here. Please don't feel like you have to post just about your weight or eating, it is also here for you to post about anything. Even if it is just a smiley face!
I am glad that you had a good time last night! We just cooked out, and I made these delicious sweet potato patties. to go along with some teriyaki chicken and scallions.
So today this is what I had/have:
B-Cinnamon Raisin English Muffin
L-Leftovers from dinner last night and a cucumber/tomato salad
S-2 small pieces of chocolate
I still have a pluot and a peach, so I will probably be eating one of those in the near future
Dinner, I took out some more seasoned chicken, can you tell I am really trying to stay away from red meat? I have some baby red potatoes that I can boil and put some salsa and cheese on top...mmmmm!
Okay, so today I definitely do have my clothes to go to the gym. Jeff made mention (while in an argument I might add) that he thinks I should not go to the gym when he is home. A part of me thinks that it is wrong for him to ask that of me, but a bigger part of me understands. So, unless he is working on a weekend or out of town, those days are out of the question, BUT I can go after or before work on the weekdays. So, I am going tonight. Right now I am trying to finish a liter of water before I leave work.
I will help you with the cellphone thing, just let me know when. I of course am not off until Wednesday again, and I am working that night from 6-10 my time. BUT I am off all day on Thursday. Well I have a dentist appointment at 9 in the morning and then I am going with Jeff to his annual meeting that evening, but I am free anytime between those 2 things. Speaking of annual meeting I would love to go get a new outfit for it....ARGH!
Alrighty girl, that is all. I will talk to you soon I hope.
Love ya,