Thursday, June 4, 2009



I don't know if you got my texts last night, but the ring is absolutely beautiful (I hope you don't get mugged!) CONGRATULATIONS! So, when is the big day? I can't wait. Make sure you make it a couple of years out so I have time to lose some major weight so I can find something decent to wear to your wedding. Oh yeah, and I have to save money to get up there!!!! One of my greatest wants is to go dress shopping with you, too bad we live so damn far apart....ARGH!!!!!!

Of course because of the predicament I got Jeff and I into, I haven't been able to go grocery shopping, although that is A1 priority today!!!! So, in turn I have been eating like crap...wait let me say that again....CRAP!!!!! Oh well, I have a chance to go shopping and that is what I am going to do. The more I read about people losing weight, they all have a common denominator....they cut out red meat 90% of the time. I am also thinking that I am going to cut my carb and sugar intake by 50%. I also have not been able to get back to the gym in 3 days, but that will come too, in about a week or so. It may have to wait until I get back from Ruidoso, although the hotel does have a gym, so I will probably hit that up.

I am going through withdrawls not having my phone, just because I can't talk to you. I don't care if I have one for anyone else. I am hoping to work the money to where I can pay that bill too. We shall see. I have to first see how much my check is today.

Alright girlie, I am going to go back to work now. I am so tired I could probably sleep for 15 hours, but that is not going to happen. The next 2 days I am working Evenings (3-11).

I really really miss you. I am sorry that I wasn't estatic happy for you last night, it was kind of a surprise and I had a flood of emotions come over me that we can talk about later on the phone. I am happy for you though. It shows that he really does love you, he just has a hard time showing it to you in the way your used to seeing it. I am happy that you are finally going to get what you want with the man you want and have found happiness after so long.

Talk to you later,
