Saturday, November 7, 2009

day 6 and year 5

Hey girl....

I am sorry about last night. I went to bed without typing and I laided here thinking about it and I was like ahh I put a sentence on in the morning so it is not a whole day missed.

Guess what the guy accepted the offer on the condo! Now dont get to excited because I dont know if it will be smooth sailing to the closing. THe person that was trying to get it before me had a really hard time. She was using a different loan etc. and had no down payment so she needed down payment assistance and we dont so I dont know what that means. We will see if it goes better.

I am so glad for you that the whole thing with Aimee is helping you. I think that I might buy the book and try it at my own pace because I did not start really at all yet and now I feel to far behind to try you know what I mean? I just dont know at times what I want. You know today is five years for me and john? I didnt know if we would get here and I am not sure what that means seeing as we fought all day and hate each other. See I dont know if we are to far gone to fix anything and I am not sure what Aimee would say and she has not emailed me back and I dont think she wants to go there. I dont know. But I sure am glad that she is helping you. Because I think that Jeff is the kinda of guy that will come around I really do. Let me re read day one and I will see if I can get myself to try....but you girl you have to try. He is worth it for sure.

My eating blah today not all that good.

B egg snadwich
L half bagel, half chicken flat bread
S dount
D hamburger no bun, rice, corn

If I didnt have the dount I would say it was good. Whatever. I will post me weight tommorrow but I here you about not wanting to say it if it doesnt change. I get your point. For me I am a little different because posting it with no change embrasses me and there for motivates me to try. girl this last twenty pounds has been here for the longest time so I am not doing as well as you think but I am trying that is for sure.

Thank you for the text earlier I got it in class and then got really busy gab was a monster when I got home and we had to do alot of running around. We looked at a few houses just to get a feel for what it would be like to get a house in this price range and I did not like them at all so I really think that the condo is the right move and like I told you if the shit hits the fan and we really dso throw in the towel I can pay for it myslef and that is the important part I guess I just wish that I did not have to think that way you know.

Gab is getting that molar I told you and it looks so bad. Are you sure this happened to Caleb do you think that they would ever cut it I am afraid...

Okay Bird boy is sleeping over donnas and I am just gonna relax a little. I think House is on tonight and I might just watch that and I will re read the first post from Aimee and re think. I am so glad it is helping you. Maybe it could help me to...I dont know....I am having a hard time with it all....I wish she would have emailed me back.


Love ya always!
