HAHA! Okay so you had 3 pieces of pizza and I had 2 steak Chalupas, loaded of course, AND an apple caramel empanada. MMMMMMM. But Oh so BAD.
Thats okay, maybe tomorrow after I get off work I can go do some shopping and get fruits and veggies in my house again. I am really itching to try your strawberries with FF milk.
I will get back on track, just have to go shopping. Remember Cris that it's 80% good eating and 20% bad, so sounds to me like you are doing fine. Just get back on track tomorrow.
You know, for the longest time I have always told Jeff that I want to go to the East coast, so you saying that we could sit on each others couches and shoot the breeze will come to fruition one of these days. There is just something that has always drawn me to that area, no I don't know what it is, but I have this innate feeling that I would feel comfortable out there. Well until the temp drops below zero.
Cris, I feel honored that you think so highly of our friendship. Trust me I am ever so grateful that I took a chance and responded to your BC post. If it had not been for you putting that message out there, chances are we never would have known of each other. Not to mention that we are too much alike sometimes it is scary.
I am looking forward to tomorrow, I get to go to Sunday services at 6. After I get home though I can tell you that I am going right to bed because I am so exhausted right now. I also need to find the time to go to the gym. My legs are so very sore from lifiting weights, doing the eliptical and squatting last night at work that I feel like I have a ball in my thighs that is moving up and down as I walk. So I want to get on the treadmill and walk/jog it out. Crys you have to tell me how you burn almost 500 calories. I work hard, or so I thought and I only burn about 130-200 depending on what I do that day. So spill it girlie, how do you do it?
Okay girlie, I am going to try to plan to come see you AGAIN, in either Ausust, Septmeber this year or April next year. I have to wait to accrue some vacation time with work again, but I will and then I will come see you.
Okay girlie, since I talked to you on the way to work, I will get on here and check later at how things are going and post what I eat for dinner. You have fun and I will talk to you later
Love ya,