I am back here and telling you that I am not doing good with Almonds being in the house. I dont think that I am going to by such a big container next time and I am goignt o have it that I am not going to have more than one sevring a day because I am telling you that it is not Good for me!!!
Anyway...What I ate today....
B 1/2 bagel w lite cream cheese
1 yup 1 low fat little sausage and coffee
S green beans and almonds
L fat free cheese and mustard sandwich and veggies w hummus
S yougrt w almonds
d chicken a small amount of potato, and veggies
S alomonds and veggies....
As you can clearly see....I am doing a job on the almonds! Jenn I know that you and I talked about this earlier and the one good thing that I can say that helps a little is that I have already had almonds about 7 or 8 times the last few days and I have not even eaten half of them and there are sopposed to be only ten servings in the thing. So there for I believe that I am eating small servings but over and over and over! Not good and AS I AM saying this I am thinking about getting more~! But I am going to try my best not to!
Oh Jenn I think that it is depression over the last few days that I am eating more than I wanted to! Because I noticed that I am sneaking downstairs and getting food at night more often than a few days back. I guess that I need to be a lot more strick about this. If I would just stop eating at night....I am also worried about all the snacks that I have put into place because like I told you I feel like I am eating all the time and before when I was just doing this on my own I was not really eating snacks....one at night but that was it. I dont know if it is better to do it this way or what. if you could take a moment to tell me your thoughts that would be great.
Sorry if I am rambling and I am even sorry if our soul follower is reading this thinking darn she is crazy....Oh well....At this point I think that I would agree with him!
What esle....Oh on a good note at work today with the kiddo that I did a two hour session with I was ON!!! I was all over the house with him! Rough housing and throwing him around! We had a great session and I think I burned some calories....
Of to do my sit ups.... Oh and the drinking thing is going good. I am getting lots lots lots of water and not alot of coffee Oh coffee I love you.....