Monday, January 19, 2009


This is definitely going to be a challenge. It is too funny though that we both cheated! And it wasn't with sweets or anything but we still cheated. I told Jeff tonight that I am going to have to add something with sugar into my diet because my blood sugar dropped today a number of times. I think I will just have to add more fruit and yogurt seeing how that contains more natural sugars.

On a positive note, a habit is formed after only 28 days, so once we pass the intial 28 days it will seem like second nature to us.

Regarding the spaghetti squash, it is different but oh so yummy with the recipe I sent you. I hope you get to try it soon.

I hope you got to the store to be able to get the rest of the stuff you needed. I am already freaking out because I was talking with Jeff about money and again, we are in trouble and shopping healthy definitely takes some cash. This week alone was $188, not including the baby's formula or food. But I am not willing to give up on this.

Love ya girlie!