This pic is from the Inn of the Mountain Gods and Casino, but this is pretty much what Ruidoso looks like all over the place. We just thought that maybe spreading his ashes would allow him to run free like he always loved to do. We do miss him so bad. When we walk in the door we always look for him and when we feed the dogs we miss picking up his dish and bringing him in. Jeff and I are already looking for another Dane.
Moving on, I am happy that you have kept your weight under control. You are doing such a great job. So it's going a little bit slower than last time, that's ok, the only thing you need to worry about is getting to the weight you want to be at. I really hope that you have a great summer with the kids. Jeff and I are really looking forward to doing some stuff with the kids. The only difference here is that it gets so God blessed hot! We have to be able to do stuff inside. I am really going to work on going to Albuquerque to the Aquarium. I think that would be freaking awesome. You walk under a tunnel while all the sea life swim around you.
So, I have 6 days left in my current semester and am not done with my final paper. I must buckle down and just do it. It's not going to complete itself. I am just having a hard time finding the motivation to finish it. It has to be no less than 3500 words, and I already have 2554, but somehow I just don't know if I can finish it. I know to you that is a walk in the park.
Well lady, I hope that we get to talk soon. I have another counseling appointment on Thursday, so I will update you on what happens, that is if you want to know.
Love you lots,