My best friend Crystal and I are enduring this journey of becoming healthy. It is a daily struggle as many others know, so we have decided to help each other. Becoming healthy is so much more than weight. It is also being able to release tensions, reduce stress, and find a spiritual self. Finding a place where one can vent without worry of ridicule or judgement is difficult to find. If that is what you're looking for, sit down, put your thoughts into words, and feel a sense of relief.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Hey I was at school for the longest time today and I was driving home I felt really bummed. I have been so busy and I feel like I have not had enough time with the kids lately and it makes me sad. The one thing I keep saying to myself is that I have the whole summer off and god do I need it! So as you know I lost only 1.4 but it is something and I am paying for the best. I would love to lose a little more this week. I am doing a good job with the diet and trying to get some activity in but it is really tough. I just do not seem to have time to fit it all in. Trying to see the kids, do my classes and all the work that comes along with them, work, clean, keep up with seeing my gramma and all that I barely have time to breath!!! But oh it will be so nice to get them summer off and the more I think about it the more I know I can finish this all. In just a few weeks, less than four I will have 24 out of 60 credits done towards my masters. Crazy huh? I cant believe I am almost done with a year! I a telling you it is like yesterday that I got in and the thing is this time flew by because I have had no time to stop. This is why I am really hoping that the summer goes really slow and I am deff. taking some well needed time off!!!! I am also debating on whether or not I should cut down to working part time come the fall. I am thinking that I might need to but then I talked to the girl that is working at the internship that I am probally going to get (I have an interveiw tomm) and she is still working fulltime at the same time but I dont know. Alot if not all of what she does is on the road as well. She does not really have a place persay that she works out of although it is based in the legal aide office in New haven. I dont know. I will know more about it tommorrow and then we will talk it over you and I. My gab, is a great child and so smart but she will not go potty. Why? I dont know! She screams at the potty SCREAMS! I backed off for like two months and she is still so scared to go. I dont know what it is. She is so ahead with so many things and so behind in this. I keep waiting for it to get nice out and then I am going to take a week off from work and put her in underwear and hang out outside like all day with potty trips like ten thousand times a day and hope for the best. DO you have any tips how to make it fun and less scarey? I know she can hold it! She has been doing that since she was about 18 months old she would wake up totally dry! But I cannot get her to let her pee out with out a diaper on... She is so afraid. I dont know I am failing her!!!! My bird is doing good. He is getting to be a teenager. AT ten. TOO fast. Little freshy. He is like staying up late and sneaking the tv on and forgetting to do his homework and being hard to wake up in the morning. All those great teen ager like things and it is driving me nutso! I love him but arg... Love you miss you and thank you for your text this am. I really need you by myside with this! And everything esle too.
4:52 PM