My best friend Crystal and I are enduring this journey of becoming healthy. It is a daily struggle as many others know, so we have decided to help each other. Becoming healthy is so much more than weight. It is also being able to release tensions, reduce stress, and find a spiritual self. Finding a place where one can vent without worry of ridicule or judgement is difficult to find. If that is what you're looking for, sit down, put your thoughts into words, and feel a sense of relief.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
what my aunt said
Today, I was talking with my aunt about all the stress that I have on my plate right now and how I am just feeling so over extended and spent and she said something to me that hit home. She pointed out that I am doing the same thing that my mother did when my grandfather was ill and that it was part of what made her put her own needs aside and pass away. Not that it was anyone esle's fault but she let things get her down to a point where she did not take care of herself at all and i see it clear as day. That is just what I am doing and it needs to stop before it is too late. So tommorrow I am going to start down this path again come hell or high water and it is going to be really tough but what good am I to those that I love if I am not here at all?
8:02 AM