First, let me say that I am WOW'd right now cause I can't believe that you are back on here. Secondly, I am SO glad to see you back.
Now, onto the important stuff, although I may only have a couple of minutes, Caleb is being a bad boy and REFUSES to lay down. I know how this works, he will fall asleep on the way to the store for grocery shopping. Crys, I am telling you, I am doing something seriously wrong with him. Look at Gab, she is such a good girl and lays down to take naps. I am just not a good mother.
Anyways, about your posts this is what I can tell you. Rather than doing it for you 100% I think you do it somewhat for John so he will notice you. Secondly, I think that you are looking at this as a marathon weight loss thing, rather than a walk in the park with a change in lifestyle. I think we need to make more of a conscious decision to eat the way our bodies NEED to be fed, not what they WANT to be fed. We have to make consicous momeny by moment decisions. A friend has told me that those are called M&M decisions. I know you can do it, as hard as it is. Trust me I am right back with you. I think I am inevitably stuck at 218 or so. But I know that about 80% of the time, I don't care, because I see nothing happening with things when I do eat right, so why even try. I think you can relate.
I think, that for 2 months we should give it an honest whirl to sit down and make menus and then report if we stayed on those menus or not. Write down what we strayed with. I know that you've got the WW cookbook as I do, and I have a heart healthy cookbook that I can get recipies out of.
Goodness, I think Caleb is finally laying down for nap at 2pm!
So, onto other things. (Not that I am blowing off your weight problem.) I think that you should take some steps with me. I haven't talked to you in depth lately, but I have started reading many books about our great and glorious Lord. I am currently reading a book called "Get out of that Pit." And I don't have the author handy but I will get it to you. Basically it tells you what you can do to get yourself out of the pit of life that we are in. Whether it be because of a past experience that threw us into one, or if we got ourselves into one on our own. It is all about the deliverance of Gods word. I know that you go to church and you receive that everytime, but sometimes it is nice to just sit and be alone with a book and connect with what it is saying and then spend a couple of good warm minutes alone with Him. I also have 2 devotional books that I try and read every morning. If for whatever reason I don't get to read them, then when I do get a chance again, I read from the last day to the present day. Sometimes it really hits the nose on the head with what I needed to hear.
I find myself talking a lot to God. Just a conversation, sometimes praying and asking for guidance. I find peace through that. Today I was having a hard time with anxieties and stuff, but I just told God I couldn't handle them on my own and low and behold he took them from me. I am no longer worrying about things right now, and I feel so much lighter. Jeff and I went with his mom to Easter mass on Saturday night, and goodness was it a full house and there were 29 sacraments given (baptisms, first communions, confirmations, and wedding vow renewals). It was such a beautiful thing to see. It made Jeff and I look into each others eyes, and at the same time we said "We want that." It's just been amazing the last couple of weeks.
In addition, 99% of the time I listen to KLOVE. I really love Casting Crowns, Matthew West, and some other ones. Songs that are really touching me right now, and many times help me carry through is "The Motions" and "That's what Faith can do". I don't know if you even care for that type of music, but you know I didn't either until one day there was nothing on the radio and I was parusing for music and found that song "The Motions." It moved me in ways I can't even explain, but it spoke right to my soul.
So anyways, off my soap box now. :)
Caleb is out like a light, of course I feel bad cause he had such a hard time going down and I started getting irritated with him. I didn't yell at him but I think he could feel the tension rising in me. It just makes me such a bad mother. Oh goodness Crys, you should see my house right now. Usually it looks like and F2 tornado hit it, today it looks like an F5 that tore through with a stint of a Tsunami. I don't even know where to begin, and I start my 12 hour shifts tomorrow.
Ugh! Oh well, God will give me the strength and the time to do it. My house is far less important than me taking care of my family.
Ok girlie, I am going to go get those cookbooks and I will post on here our menu for the two weeks.
Love and miss sometimes hours at a time and sometimes day by day, but never longer than that.