this is one of the funniest posts you have written. Very cute and sacastic and times. I am sorry that you are feeling the burn at work. I do not know how you do it. I tell you all the time but I will tell you again you are able to go and go and go when other including myself would have fallen down already and just went to sleep right where we landed. But like you said when you go and go and go like this you crash and get sick. SO I want nothing more than for you to get your self a pt job with less stress. Right near home. It is just what I think will be better for you. To hell with the job you have now. I know it is a good one and you are good at it but like you said you cannot be spread so thin. And you cannot give up your family and you cannot give up your school so the only answer is finding work that you are good at and that is good for you while you are in school. THere is plently of time left in your life to work crazy hours if you choose to!
When I was talking to John and it was like normal human beings very weird....Any way when I was talking to him he also questioned why you were staying in Merdian. He said I should have talked to you about it more and he is right.. I should have looked it up and made sure that you were going somewhere that was close and safe. You can stay at my house when ever you want and even if John is here it will not be weird at all. I will camp out with you in the living room and he can sleep upstairs. I want you to do it on Thursday for sure but I also want to tell you that I can make it work to have you here other nights or every night. It would be fine! My house is small but we can work it out! Also, is there anyway that we can change the hotel? Or is it a all in one thing? That is what I told John it was but if it is not then maybe we should think about changing it. There are hotels right down the street from me....and if you can change it let's talk. I just hate that you are thinking that you will be unsafe. I guess if we have to just have a week of sleep overs then that is what we will do. hell if you want to cancel the hotel all together and just stay with me go ahead and do it. I will tell John that the hotel was to scary and there was no way that I could make you stay there Blah blah blah....Believe me he will be happy to sleep upstairs for a week!
Okay....I am sorry that your little guy Codey is struggling. I think that you should ask for a PPT becuase they really need to help him more. It is not okay to just be like he is in his own world. I cant get him to work. GUESS WHAT they HAVE TO! IT IS THE LAW! They have to Give him FAAE Free and apporiate education by LAW!!!
I know that you have alot of p[acking and stuff to do before you come. Just take one thing at a time! THat is all I can think of to tell you becuase I would never be able to do all that you do. Never.
I think that you are probally eating crappy because you are stressed. That is how it works! We are going to have to hold each other to a diet because I dont want us to get all out of control and make each other fat! We should take walks each and every day together! it will be a help for sure!
Okay Jenn, I am gonna text you to tell you that you posted I know that you said more and I am sorry that I did not get to everything but I am beat. I wanted to tell you that I feel bad that you are having a hard time with school and I am sorry that I will be making this worse. I will help you here and I will let you work on your school work . Just having you in my house working on your school work is good enough for me!!!
I will text you now!
Love ya@