Gotta start getting my ass in gear or I am going to be a fat ass again. Blah
B bagel with cream cheese and two sausage w coffee
S no
L mac anf cheese
S granola bar
D some pasta with sauce and a meatball, salad and one piece of bread with butter
S watermelon
So as you can see I am not eating all that well but I really think that I have to get back to telling you what I am eating that is the only thing that really keeps me going. Yesterday when I woke up I had a good weight but today it was just okay. We will see what tommorrow brings. I hate to go on and on here about food knowing how you are struggling but I have to find my stride again. I also need to get out of this depression that I have been in I think ever since my car broke down and as you know that has alot more to do with then just the car. Whatever. I hope that you are doing as well as you can and I feel really bad that I cried and whined to you today about my own troubles. I am here for you though, any thing that you need through the phone that is I will do it.
I got to get out in the sun with the kids and that really felt nice. The sun feels so good for me after the cold of the winter. I cannot wait to get out and do things. I really need to get active with things with the kids that have nothing to do with food. even the park down the street has three ice cream men! There is food everywhere Jenn! Oh well.
I am really worried about you. You are being so strong that it is scaring me. Sometime it is so not good for us to lock things allinside and just be there for other people. Dont forget about the way that you feel in all this termoil andwhat you need because it is really importat that you takethe best care of you too. I am putting this right here for you to read over and over if needed, This is happening to you too and you need a friend and a shoulder to lean on in this time. I sware if I had more money or I was closer I would be there for you!!
Okay I am tired as ever and I am going to go to sleep.
Love ya!