I did get the message from Christmas night, but I have been so busy that I haven't had a chance to sit down and write until now.
So let's see what's new in my world. Nothing really. I mean I work and stay home. Nothing big. Autumn got the disney version of dance dance revolution and I played that with her last night and it was a lot of fun. In January I am going to buy the Wii Fit. I think that it will be fun, and will put a mix in things. I hear you about the getting to the gym thing. I have to as well. I am going Thursday to pay it up to date and pay hopefully at least one month in advance. I have to get back. I am still pretty much at the same weight, but I am just more flabby than when I was going to the gym. And, I am going back to days in Artesia, so I will be off at 2 and figured that I could just take my clothes with me, change at the gym, and then go home. That way I don't have to come home and make Caleb upset that I leave again.
I know that I haven't been feeling well lately. I am sleeping all the time and when I wake up, my hands and joints hurt so much. I don't know what it is but I get it from time to time.
I am excited for you and the condo! I can't wait to see pics of it. You will be fine. I know it is driving you crazy, but once you are moved in it will have all been worth it.
So, I have not done well with my eating as well, but it could be a lot worse. I have been eating leftovers from Christmas dinner because there is no way I was going to let all that food go to waste. So, we are almost done with it and then I can move onto making other things. I will have more control over what I eat. I have control now, but all of it is so good. It is completely a will power thing.
It is so funny, Autumn is playing dance dance revolution right now and she has two mats out and Caleb is on the other mat dancing around. It's cute because it has Minnie, Mickey, Goofy, Donald and some other characters. So he says hot dog everytime she pulls it out! Crys he is talking so much, the other day he said a sentence that contained 5 words! I am sure Gab is talking paragraphs by now! What's more is that Caleb is getting his own little personality about what he does or doesn't like. We tried to dress him in a new set of pajamas the other night and he screamed "I don't light, I don't light". He can't say the k sound yet at the end of a sentence but he can say kite. I don't know, he's an odd ball.
I don't know if this is normal but he throws everything. He throws blocks, toys, forks, spoons, his cup, balls. I mean if he can pick it up you can be guranteed that at some point in time he is going to throw it. And like Gab is running everywhere. He doesn't walk for a second he runs, runs, runs.
I miss you too, and you as well are in my thoughts and prayers all the time.
How did you do in your class? You may have said it but I don't remember. I am excited to get back into school come January. It is going to be a lot of work and difficult, but I can do it. It brings me that much closer to receiving my degree next December.
Oh my God Crys, one of my nephews wife is going to have another baby, she has one little girl that is 6 weeks older than Caleb, a 10 month old and is due in July. Can you imagine! Holy Cow! I am beginning to think that the doc should do a tubal and just never tell her! Autumn says they are going to be the next Dugger family!
Ugh my dryer just buzzed at me, calling my name. I really don't want to keep doing laundry, but I must. It is Calebs clothes in there right now. I have been doing laundry for 2 days now and we still don't have it all done. That is the thing with a family of 6, you always have laundry.
Alright girl, I am running out of things to talk about. My life is boring, nothing new to report on. But, I always love hearing from you!
Love you,
My best friend Crystal and I are enduring this journey of becoming healthy. It is a daily struggle as many others know, so we have decided to help each other. Becoming healthy is so much more than weight. It is also being able to release tensions, reduce stress, and find a spiritual self. Finding a place where one can vent without worry of ridicule or judgement is difficult to find. If that is what you're looking for, sit down, put your thoughts into words, and feel a sense of relief.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
hey girl
HeyI meant to be eating really well already and I cant tell you that I am but I am really working on it. I am telling you the stress of the condo is wearing me down it has been such an up and down and it is crazy. Anyway it looks like we are closing on Tuesday and we drove by tonight and sure enough the current owner is moving out so by golly lol it better be then! Or esle the whole thing will fall apart for everyone involed. It was not fun but I hope living in it will be!
I am FOR sure joining the gym that is down the street from the condo and I mean down the street. I could walk but the roads are very heavy traveled and I wouldnt want to do that! I really hope that I can get to the damn gym. Grr.
I hope that you got my message here the other night and that you did not think that I forgot about you on christmas because I did not at all you are always in my thoughts and prayers. I hope that everything is going well. I am going to hit the hay!
Night Muah.
I am FOR sure joining the gym that is down the street from the condo and I mean down the street. I could walk but the roads are very heavy traveled and I wouldnt want to do that! I really hope that I can get to the damn gym. Grr.
I hope that you got my message here the other night and that you did not think that I forgot about you on christmas because I did not at all you are always in my thoughts and prayers. I hope that everything is going well. I am going to hit the hay!
Night Muah.
8:36 PM

Friday, December 25, 2009
Hope you see this.......:)
Hey I hope you get this. My phone is TOTALLY dead and I was out all day and that is why I did not get the text and now I am to tired to move let alone go out in the car and get the phone where ever it is and charge it to text so I pray you check this tonight and that way know that I thought about you all day.
I am so glad that you are talking with Jeff about the east coast and while I would LOVE for you to be right in CT I would be totally happy with any location on this side of the US seeing as even if you were in TN or one of the carolinas as they are also very nice and crazy cheap I would go there in a heart beat to see you. It would only take us like maybe 6 hours drive to meet in the midddle! And then no one can keep usw from at least a visit to each others home at least twice a year! That would be great. BUT Ct is still the place that I want to see you! I want to be able to call you up and say Jenn let's go for a walk. Or lets go take the kiddos some place fun. It really would be great!
I feel so bad I only took a few pictures today. I always take a ton and I only took a few but I will post them too and let you see them. There is a little video and it is cute let me see if I can get that to up load. But the kids had a lot of fun too! With about 10 things each at your house that is a whole lot of presents, I would say!
Today I pigged out and ate bad. I did not even try to do good because Tommorrow I mean bussiness. I cannot even wait until the holidays are done and over because I am getting out of control and I am 161 again and not happy about it at all. Okay girl. I love you very much and hope to see you in my neighborhood someday! 2013 ish......
Merry Christmas!
I am so glad that you are talking with Jeff about the east coast and while I would LOVE for you to be right in CT I would be totally happy with any location on this side of the US seeing as even if you were in TN or one of the carolinas as they are also very nice and crazy cheap I would go there in a heart beat to see you. It would only take us like maybe 6 hours drive to meet in the midddle! And then no one can keep usw from at least a visit to each others home at least twice a year! That would be great. BUT Ct is still the place that I want to see you! I want to be able to call you up and say Jenn let's go for a walk. Or lets go take the kiddos some place fun. It really would be great!
I feel so bad I only took a few pictures today. I always take a ton and I only took a few but I will post them too and let you see them. There is a little video and it is cute let me see if I can get that to up load. But the kids had a lot of fun too! With about 10 things each at your house that is a whole lot of presents, I would say!
Today I pigged out and ate bad. I did not even try to do good because Tommorrow I mean bussiness. I cannot even wait until the holidays are done and over because I am getting out of control and I am 161 again and not happy about it at all. Okay girl. I love you very much and hope to see you in my neighborhood someday! 2013 ish......
Merry Christmas!
7:21 PM

Merry Christmas
Hey girl,
Glad to hear that you got the cards, I was so scared that they weren't going to get to you in time, but they did! Yay!
About my classes I got 3a's and a C. I am not going to complain!. I am sure you got an A in your class don't fret.
The kids had a fantastic christmas. They each ended up with about 10 items each, so that is not too bad. Jeff has the camera or I would post the pics. I have a pic of my living room right after we were done opening gifts, and it was a MESS! But it was so fun! I had a really good christmas as well. I hope that your kids had a great time and you as well.
I am so happy to hear about you closing on the condo next week. That will be so great for you. I am so excited for you.
Caleb is doing awesome. He is so cute, he is talking so much, putting more than 2 words together and his sentences are out of this world. It is so cute to hear him try and say please and bless you, he can't quite get it out perfectly but he sticks his little tongue out to say the pl and bl's. But he is saying so much. Maybe we can talk sometime for a good while and you can hear my little chatterbox.
His incision looks really good, and he hasn't complained about it all that much.
I really miss you Crys. Jeff and I had a long talk about where we finally wanted to move to in the next 2 years, and he has started saying that he will entertain the idea of CT, TN and some other areas, so I may not get to move right next to you, but I will be closer to you. I am really starting to push about moving to CT, and I think he may be starting to bite the bait. So, I will just have to wait and see.
I am at work, but just noticed that you had posted, so I didn't want to leave you hanging. I texted you this morning and you haven't gotten back to me, but I figure you are probably busy with the kids and trying to keep big J at bay.
Love you girlie,
Glad to hear that you got the cards, I was so scared that they weren't going to get to you in time, but they did! Yay!
About my classes I got 3a's and a C. I am not going to complain!. I am sure you got an A in your class don't fret.
The kids had a fantastic christmas. They each ended up with about 10 items each, so that is not too bad. Jeff has the camera or I would post the pics. I have a pic of my living room right after we were done opening gifts, and it was a MESS! But it was so fun! I had a really good christmas as well. I hope that your kids had a great time and you as well.
I am so happy to hear about you closing on the condo next week. That will be so great for you. I am so excited for you.
Caleb is doing awesome. He is so cute, he is talking so much, putting more than 2 words together and his sentences are out of this world. It is so cute to hear him try and say please and bless you, he can't quite get it out perfectly but he sticks his little tongue out to say the pl and bl's. But he is saying so much. Maybe we can talk sometime for a good while and you can hear my little chatterbox.
His incision looks really good, and he hasn't complained about it all that much.
I really miss you Crys. Jeff and I had a long talk about where we finally wanted to move to in the next 2 years, and he has started saying that he will entertain the idea of CT, TN and some other areas, so I may not get to move right next to you, but I will be closer to you. I am really starting to push about moving to CT, and I think he may be starting to bite the bait. So, I will just have to wait and see.
I am at work, but just noticed that you had posted, so I didn't want to leave you hanging. I texted you this morning and you haven't gotten back to me, but I figure you are probably busy with the kids and trying to keep big J at bay.
Love you girlie,
2:59 PM

Thursday, December 24, 2009
Merry Christmas
I feel like all I do is eat and I am really fat. The stress over this condo has been relentless. But we are sopposed to close on tuesday the 29th so we will see what happens with that. I am planning on working on the blog and my diet for my new years resolution and I usually follow what I set up myself to follow so I am just eating whatever until after tommorrow and then I am back in full effect because I am starting to feel fat again and that makes me sad.
Anyway this is not sopposed to be about that! Merry christmas and thank you for our cards. I got them today and I felt so sad but happy to be holding something in my hand that was once not so long ago in yours. I loved reading your writing! I am thinking about writing you some hand written letters. I think they are really meaningful, I love when you type to but the cards were really nice!
Did your grades come out? I am dying to know what I got. I will be happy as a clam with a B but I am hoping for better and praying for not worse. Oh well.
Merry Christmas girl Miss you and I hope that you are with the kiddos in this holiday and that little caleb is doing well with his Big brave boy attitude that he has.
Love ya!
Anyway this is not sopposed to be about that! Merry christmas and thank you for our cards. I got them today and I felt so sad but happy to be holding something in my hand that was once not so long ago in yours. I loved reading your writing! I am thinking about writing you some hand written letters. I think they are really meaningful, I love when you type to but the cards were really nice!
Did your grades come out? I am dying to know what I got. I will be happy as a clam with a B but I am hoping for better and praying for not worse. Oh well.
Merry Christmas girl Miss you and I hope that you are with the kiddos in this holiday and that little caleb is doing well with his Big brave boy attitude that he has.
Love ya!
9:40 PM

Wednesday, December 16, 2009
What is going on? I am gonna call you. I dont know what is wrong but I have to find out so while I came here with the intention of blogging I am gonna give it up to call you. Know that I meant to blog! More important things came up!
8:12 PM

Troubled times
I have not done too bad, but not good either. The positive is that I am slightly sick right now and don't feel like eating, so this will be good.
There is so much that may be going on in the near future that I am way overwhelmed with it. I don't want to type it out into words yet, but I NEED to talk to you ASAP.
I haven't gotten on a scale for fear of what it will say, but am trying to at least do a decent job. With me being sick right now, there is no way that I am going to be able to get back to the gym. I was thinking that maybe I can go for a walk after I get off work in the afternoons.
I dont' know girlie.
Alright just wanted to check in with you:
B-Bagel with butter
L-Pasta bread bowl from Dominos (BAD)
D-Pot Roast w/potatoes (1) and vegetables
S-Nutty Buddies
B-Bagel with butter
L-Leftover Pot roast
Now today's is provided I even want to eat. I really don't feel like it right now, but I am hoping that I feel like this all day so I don't eat at all.
I will talk to you soon.
Love you,
I have not done too bad, but not good either. The positive is that I am slightly sick right now and don't feel like eating, so this will be good.
There is so much that may be going on in the near future that I am way overwhelmed with it. I don't want to type it out into words yet, but I NEED to talk to you ASAP.
I haven't gotten on a scale for fear of what it will say, but am trying to at least do a decent job. With me being sick right now, there is no way that I am going to be able to get back to the gym. I was thinking that maybe I can go for a walk after I get off work in the afternoons.
I dont' know girlie.
Alright just wanted to check in with you:
B-Bagel with butter
L-Pasta bread bowl from Dominos (BAD)
D-Pot Roast w/potatoes (1) and vegetables
S-Nutty Buddies
B-Bagel with butter
L-Leftover Pot roast
Now today's is provided I even want to eat. I really don't feel like it right now, but I am hoping that I feel like this all day so I don't eat at all.
I will talk to you soon.
Love you,
6:43 AM

Monday, December 14, 2009
Sunday, December 13, 2009
hey girl.
I know that I have not been good here and I will get there some day soon but I cant keep [romising that I am going to do things and not do them because I get side tracked or whatever because that makes me feel really bad and I dont want to feel bad so I am going to tell you that I will get better because that I know. But it will not be prefect for a bit while I try to get back in the swing of things. The good news is that I weigh about the same as what I was before I am in betweenn 156 and 158. When you came to visit me I was 153 and I was really happy with that but I cant get back there. I will I dont know when but I will.
I am so proud of you for doing all this for yourself you are doing so well. Good job girlie keep it up! I hope for the best for you and I hope you did good in your school as well. Okay I have a sore throat so I am going to hit the hay. I will lose my mind if I am getting sick again!
Love ya always!
I know that I have not been good here and I will get there some day soon but I cant keep [romising that I am going to do things and not do them because I get side tracked or whatever because that makes me feel really bad and I dont want to feel bad so I am going to tell you that I will get better because that I know. But it will not be prefect for a bit while I try to get back in the swing of things. The good news is that I weigh about the same as what I was before I am in betweenn 156 and 158. When you came to visit me I was 153 and I was really happy with that but I cant get back there. I will I dont know when but I will.
I am so proud of you for doing all this for yourself you are doing so well. Good job girlie keep it up! I hope for the best for you and I hope you did good in your school as well. Okay I have a sore throat so I am going to hit the hay. I will lose my mind if I am getting sick again!
Love ya always!
8:10 PM

Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Okay, I don't even want to talk about this, but I HAVE to. I HAVE to remind myself that I am doing what I am doing for a reason. I also have to remind myself that yes, like today I am going to fall off the wagon, but that tomorrow is another opportunity. Besides, writing it down is going to embarass me, and that will only encourage me not to do it again.
B-1/2 a full bar
S-yogurt (less than 1/2 cup) with strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, and raspberries.
L- 5 yes count them 5 tacos
S-2 candy bars (one in the morning and one in the afternoon)
D-Flatbread oven roasted sandwich.
Fluids, about 12 oz of coffee, light and sweet and 2L of water.
So, lunch and snacks freaking SUCKED! But, tomorrow is another day, and I WILL do better. I CAN DO IT! My monthly friend should be showing up tomorrow, so I am blaming my chocolate bing on that.
Yesterday, I was so proud of myself, look at this!
B-Egg whites with 1/2 bagel
S-1/8 cup chocolate chex mix
L-1/2 serving of sesame chicken
S-Mozzarella cheese stick
D-Nope (Jeff had to stop at McDonalds for him and Caleb)
Fluids, 8oz of Caramel Brulee Frappuccino from Starbucks. (Caleb had the other 8 ozs!) And a little water.
So, yesterday I resisted.
And, the day before that was awesome. So, I can do this. I just have to resist all urges. One of the candy bars and the tacos today, came because a friend of mine orders them and brings me a chocolate bar everyday we work together. Today, I accepted all of her gifts, but sternly told her that I can no longer accept them because I am placing myself on a diet. She said, ok, then we will have tacos only once in a blue moon. So, this should not be a problem anymore.
My poor Jeff has dry socket from where his tooth was removed and he is in sooooo much pain. Here in a minute I have to go help him put a gel into the socket so it can numb the pain and it can help seal the gum.
You know girl, I am too very busy with school. I haven't even logged in yet. I HAD to come do this first. I owe it to myself. So, here I am.
When I went to Wal-Mart to buy a gift for Jeff for Christmas, I parked at the end of the parking lot and walked. The only problem was that I left my coat at home, and by the time we went out of the store, it was starting to freeze again. So, I froze my rear off, but I walked it! I am so proud of myself. Next step, catch up my gym and start back.
Alrighty girlie, I think Jeff is going to eat dinner and then I am going to help him with his gums.
Love you,
Okay, I don't even want to talk about this, but I HAVE to. I HAVE to remind myself that I am doing what I am doing for a reason. I also have to remind myself that yes, like today I am going to fall off the wagon, but that tomorrow is another opportunity. Besides, writing it down is going to embarass me, and that will only encourage me not to do it again.
B-1/2 a full bar
S-yogurt (less than 1/2 cup) with strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, and raspberries.
L- 5 yes count them 5 tacos
S-2 candy bars (one in the morning and one in the afternoon)
D-Flatbread oven roasted sandwich.
Fluids, about 12 oz of coffee, light and sweet and 2L of water.
So, lunch and snacks freaking SUCKED! But, tomorrow is another day, and I WILL do better. I CAN DO IT! My monthly friend should be showing up tomorrow, so I am blaming my chocolate bing on that.
Yesterday, I was so proud of myself, look at this!
B-Egg whites with 1/2 bagel
S-1/8 cup chocolate chex mix
L-1/2 serving of sesame chicken
S-Mozzarella cheese stick
D-Nope (Jeff had to stop at McDonalds for him and Caleb)
Fluids, 8oz of Caramel Brulee Frappuccino from Starbucks. (Caleb had the other 8 ozs!) And a little water.
So, yesterday I resisted.
And, the day before that was awesome. So, I can do this. I just have to resist all urges. One of the candy bars and the tacos today, came because a friend of mine orders them and brings me a chocolate bar everyday we work together. Today, I accepted all of her gifts, but sternly told her that I can no longer accept them because I am placing myself on a diet. She said, ok, then we will have tacos only once in a blue moon. So, this should not be a problem anymore.
My poor Jeff has dry socket from where his tooth was removed and he is in sooooo much pain. Here in a minute I have to go help him put a gel into the socket so it can numb the pain and it can help seal the gum.
You know girl, I am too very busy with school. I haven't even logged in yet. I HAD to come do this first. I owe it to myself. So, here I am.
When I went to Wal-Mart to buy a gift for Jeff for Christmas, I parked at the end of the parking lot and walked. The only problem was that I left my coat at home, and by the time we went out of the store, it was starting to freeze again. So, I froze my rear off, but I walked it! I am so proud of myself. Next step, catch up my gym and start back.
Alrighty girlie, I think Jeff is going to eat dinner and then I am going to help him with his gums.
Love you,
5:27 PM

okay jen I will try. I will hope on later on today and chat with you about this for real. Right now I am trying to get some work done..
I promise alot more time to this after this class is done. I am sure that it is somewhat the same for you at this point too.
I promise alot more time to this after this class is done. I am sure that it is somewhat the same for you at this point too.
12:06 PM

Monday, December 7, 2009
Today...was GREAT!
Okay, first off there is a lengthy post before this one, so if you haven't already read that one first.
As far as today goes, I ate FANTASTIC!
B-yogurt, strawberries, blackberries, raspberries and blueberries
S-1/2 an everything bagel plain
L-Posole (about 1 cup or so)
D-Chicken Parmesian (1/2 chicken breast and about a 1/2 cup of pasta) with a glass of milk
S-Almond granola bar
Aproximate Calorie Count: 1368
As far as fluid intake, I have had 6 cups of water, and am planning on going to the store to buy me more. I HAVE to get to 8 cups today.
Exercise was minimal. It was freezing cold out today (33 high with a windchill factor that made it feel like 20), so when I went to Wal-Mart, I didn't park as far as I could have. I had Caleb with me and didn't want him getting a chill, I didn't layer his clothes. So, anyways, exercise was a bust today, but tomorrow is going to be better. I am going to El Paso for Calebs renal scan follow up with his urologist and then he is due to get shots, in which time we will return home.
Speaking of Caleb he is doing so many new things that make me laugh. My favorite right now is tonight we were sitting at the table eating dinner, and he decided he didn't like what we were having so he would throw the food on the floor and call our female dog by name "Shyrah," clear as day, over to eat the food he had dropped. Boy was she a happy camper!
Alright girlie, I have a huge final that I have to take right now. 50 questions in 60 minutes....retarded if you ask me, but I have to do it. So, I am going to go do that, and then I am off to bed. I am working graveyards on Saturdays and Sundays and am just not sleeping more than 4-8 hours over the course of the two days. I know that today I only slept until 1045 in the morning after getting home at 630. So, needless to say I am beat.
I hope that your paper ended up good, which I am sure it did. I hope that your portfolio is on the move again, and that all is kosher in your house.
I love you and miss you bunches,
As far as today goes, I ate FANTASTIC!
B-yogurt, strawberries, blackberries, raspberries and blueberries
S-1/2 an everything bagel plain
L-Posole (about 1 cup or so)
D-Chicken Parmesian (1/2 chicken breast and about a 1/2 cup of pasta) with a glass of milk
S-Almond granola bar
Aproximate Calorie Count: 1368
As far as fluid intake, I have had 6 cups of water, and am planning on going to the store to buy me more. I HAVE to get to 8 cups today.
Exercise was minimal. It was freezing cold out today (33 high with a windchill factor that made it feel like 20), so when I went to Wal-Mart, I didn't park as far as I could have. I had Caleb with me and didn't want him getting a chill, I didn't layer his clothes. So, anyways, exercise was a bust today, but tomorrow is going to be better. I am going to El Paso for Calebs renal scan follow up with his urologist and then he is due to get shots, in which time we will return home.
Speaking of Caleb he is doing so many new things that make me laugh. My favorite right now is tonight we were sitting at the table eating dinner, and he decided he didn't like what we were having so he would throw the food on the floor and call our female dog by name "Shyrah," clear as day, over to eat the food he had dropped. Boy was she a happy camper!
Alright girlie, I have a huge final that I have to take right now. 50 questions in 60 minutes....retarded if you ask me, but I have to do it. So, I am going to go do that, and then I am off to bed. I am working graveyards on Saturdays and Sundays and am just not sleeping more than 4-8 hours over the course of the two days. I know that today I only slept until 1045 in the morning after getting home at 630. So, needless to say I am beat.
I hope that your paper ended up good, which I am sure it did. I hope that your portfolio is on the move again, and that all is kosher in your house.
I love you and miss you bunches,
6:11 PM

Sunday, December 6, 2009
Okay, so I have been depressed and completley unmotivated abot my health, my weight, my motivaton, my life. But, I can't sit around like this anymore. So, I have an invitation for you. Join me again on Sparkpeople and blogging EVERYTHING! I mean everything down to the gum you chew and the fluids that enter your body. We have allowed ourselves to fall off the wagon, and we have to pick ourselves back up again. I don't know about you, but the last thing I want is to wake up one day and be 250 pounds, with oily hair, a face that makes me look like I am 50 with diabetes. Ugly mental image huh!
So, no time like the present to start...right!
Yesterday (December 6, 2009)
L-Spinach leaves, a roma tomato, 1 tsp feta cheese, grilled chicken and steak and lime juice salad.
S-Nutter Butter
D-Arbys roast chicken sandwich complete with fries and a Dr. Pepper
Okay, so that was a bad day. In my defense and on the upside I only drank 1/2 a large Dr. Pepper and realized "What the hell was I doing?" Promptly got up and poured the rest into the sink.
Tonight I have drank almost a full 15 ounces of Grape juice which hits hard with 290 calories and 72 grams of carbs....OUCH! But, I do have a liter of fantasticly cool and smooth Fiji water.
In the morning around 5 or so, I am planning on eating my lowfat yogurt with strawberries, blackberries, and raspberries mixed in.
I know that for me, and if I still know you as well as I think, coffee is a big downfall. I know that you are really good at only having like a cup a day, but I am up to about 4 to 5 cups a day. I am pumping poison into my body and it is not good for me at all. Grape Juice is really good at cleaning out all the free radicals in your body that cause cancer and other diseases, so I am figuring I can have it one to two times a week, but not 15 ounces at a time...that is just gluten for punishment.
I am telling you NO EXCUSES. No "I've been busy and just grabbed whatever." or "I am having problems at home with hubby and the kids." Or "I just don't have any motivation." Damn it Crys, our kids should be our motivation. When we take care of us, we are happier, which makes it easier to deal with them when they are monsters. They are our motivation because do we really want our significant others to take care of our kids if something happens to us? I know I don't. Jeff would do a good job, but it wouldn't be me.
I don't know if you still do, but no eating at night. Absolutely not! That is a good time when your metabolism slows down and the calories just sit there, doing nothing but turning into unused sugar which eventually turn into FAT!
So, are you with me? You have always said that you need someone to take control, so here I am.
Here is a proposition of some goals, that are to be tallied at the end of the week, on Sundays. If you have any other suggestions, throw them out there! Let's do this!
1. Weight
2. Mean calories consumed (all day totals divided by the number of days.)
3. Exercise. Whatever it may be. "I parked at the farthest parking spot in IKEA and walked to the door."
4. Amount of water consumed.
Now, ALL of these can be tracked on the sparkpeople page. In addition, I am going to look into ordering a motivational calendar that I can hang in my bedroom. They are like $12.
So, you are probably laughing right now, going "yeah right" that girl has lost her complete and total mind. You know what though, as ashamed to say it as I am, I need you. I know that you have Heather, your sister, the lady from church and your next door neighbor (the one with the baby), but I have no one. I don't have my sister, my mom, or anyone else. I am just me, all by myself. So, I am asking you take maybe an hour a day, and just log onto sparkpeople and here, and help me through this.
Alright girlie, I will talk to you soon.
Love ya bunches,
11:22 PM

Saturday, December 5, 2009
A little story of success
So. I have worked really hard at making my credit something that I can be proud of and this afternoon I was shocked and proud of myself and all my hard work. and a little scared of the respondsiblity as well all in the same.
I was sitting in class saying to myself. I dont know what I am going to do about taking a class next semester. I am not sure if I am going to do it or want to but gee the fact that I dont have the money makes me say I dont even want to think about it because I dont want to have to borrow it or whatever....It would be nice if I had someway to pay it off over the semester in small payments of like 200 a month. Oh well
Then I get home and hop online to pay my cards and What the heck?
Capital one UPPED MY LIMIT TO 5500! What the heck????? Oh my god my heart skipped a beat! All my hard work paided off and the creditors noticed! That doesnt mean I am for sure taking a course. It depends because I have to get this portfolio done so that I can get my raise that is most important right now but the point was that I HAVE the money now if I want to take two courses lol....Which I would never do right now! lol
I just needed to share this with you.
Love you
I was sitting in class saying to myself. I dont know what I am going to do about taking a class next semester. I am not sure if I am going to do it or want to but gee the fact that I dont have the money makes me say I dont even want to think about it because I dont want to have to borrow it or whatever....It would be nice if I had someway to pay it off over the semester in small payments of like 200 a month. Oh well
Then I get home and hop online to pay my cards and What the heck?
Capital one UPPED MY LIMIT TO 5500! What the heck????? Oh my god my heart skipped a beat! All my hard work paided off and the creditors noticed! That doesnt mean I am for sure taking a course. It depends because I have to get this portfolio done so that I can get my raise that is most important right now but the point was that I HAVE the money now if I want to take two courses lol....Which I would never do right now! lol
I just needed to share this with you.
Love you
12:38 PM

Tuesday, December 1, 2009
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